@ -534,246 +534,246 @@ export function Workspace () {
return (
return (
< >
< div className = 'd-flex flex-column justify-content-between h-100' >
< div className = 'remixui_container' style = { { height : selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . isGitRepo ? '95%' : '100%' } } >
< div className = 'remixui_container' >
< div className = 'd-flex flex-column w-100 remixui_fileexplorer' data - id = "remixUIWorkspaceExplorer" onClick = { resetFocus } >
< div className = 'd-flex flex-column w-100 remixui_fileexplorer' data - id = "remixUIWorkspaceExplorer" onClick = { resetFocus } >
< div >
< div >
< header >
< header >
< div className = "mx-2 mb-2 d-flex flex-column" >
< div className = "mx-2 mb-2 d-flex flex-column" >
< div className = "d-flex justify-content-between" >
< div className = "d-flex justify-content-between" >
< span className = "d-flex align-items-end" >
< span className = "d-flex align-items-end" >
< label className = "pl-1 form-check-label" htmlFor = "workspacesSelect" >
< label className = "pl-1 form-check-label" htmlFor = "workspacesSelect" >
< / label >
< / label >
< / span >
< / span >
< span className = "remixui_menu remixui_topmenu d-flex justify-content-between align-items-end w-75" >
< span className = "remixui_menu remixui_topmenu d-flex justify-content-between align-items-end w-75" >
< OverlayTrigger
< OverlayTrigger
placement = "top-end"
placement = "top-end"
overlay = {
overlay = {
< Tooltip id = "createWorkspaceTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< Tooltip id = "createWorkspaceTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< span > Create < / span >
< span > Create < / span >
< / Tooltip >
< / Tooltip >
< span
< span
hidden = { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST }
hidden = { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST }
id = 'workspaceCreate'
id = 'workspaceCreate'
data - id = 'workspaceCreate'
data - id = 'workspaceCreate'
onClick = { ( e ) = > {
onClick = { ( e ) = > {
e . stopPropagation ( )
e . stopPropagation ( )
createWorkspace ( )
createWorkspace ( )
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'fileExplorer' , 'workspaceMenu' , 'workspaceCreate' ] )
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'fileExplorer' , 'workspaceMenu' , 'workspaceCreate' ] )
} }
style = { { fontSize : 'large' } }
className = 'far fa-plus remixui_menuicon d-flex align-self-end'
< / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< Dropdown id = "workspacesMenuDropdown" data - id = "workspacesMenuDropdown" onToggle = { ( ) = > hideIconsMenu ( ! showIconsMenu ) } show = { showIconsMenu } >
< Dropdown.Toggle
as = { CustomIconsToggle }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
hideIconsMenu ( ! showIconsMenu )
} }
} }
style = { { fontSize : 'large' } }
icon = { 'fas fa-bars' }
className = 'far fa-plus remixui_menuicon d-flex align-self-end'
> < / Dropdown.Toggle >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } data - id = "wsdropdownMenu" className = 'custom-dropdown-items remixui_menuwidth' rootCloseEvent = "click" >
< / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
workspaceMenuIcons . map ( m = > {
< Dropdown id = "workspacesMenuDropdown" data - id = "workspacesMenuDropdown" onToggle = { ( ) = > hideIconsMenu ( ! showIconsMenu ) } show = { showIconsMenu } >
return (
< Dropdown.Toggle
< Dropdown.Item >
as = { CustomIconsToggle }
{ m }
< / Dropdown.Item >
} )
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown >
< / span >
< / div >
< Dropdown id = "workspacesSelect" data - id = "workspacesSelect" onToggle = { toggleDropdown } show = { showDropdown } >
< Dropdown.Toggle as = { CustomToggle } id = "dropdown-custom-components" className = "btn btn-light btn-block w-100 d-inline-block border border-dark form-control mt-1" icon = { selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . isGitRepo && ! ( currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ) ? 'far fa-code-branch' : null } >
{ selectedWorkspace ? selectedWorkspace.name : currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? 'localhost' : NO_WORKSPACE }
< / Dropdown.Toggle >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } className = 'w-100 custom-dropdown-items' data - id = "custom-dropdown-items" >
< Dropdown.Item
onClick = { ( ) = > {
onClick = { ( ) = > {
hideIconsMenu ( ! showIconsMenu )
createWorkspace ( )
} }
} }
icon = { 'fas fa-bars' }
> < / Dropdown.Toggle >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } data - id = "wsdropdownMenu" className = 'custom-dropdown-items remixui_menuwidth' rootCloseEvent = "click" >
workspaceMenuIcons . map ( m = > {
< span className = "pl-3" > - create a new workspace - < / span >
return (
< Dropdown.Item >
< / Dropdown.Item >
{ m }
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( LOCALHOST ) } } > { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? < span > & # 10003 ; localhost < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { LOCALHOST } < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item >
global . fs . browser . workspaces . map ( ( { name , isGitRepo } , index ) = > (
< Dropdown.Item
key = { index }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
switchWorkspace ( name )
} }
data - id = { ` dropdown-item- ${ name } ` }
{ isGitRepo ?
< div className = 'd-flex justify-content-between' >
< span > { currentWorkspace === name ? < span > & # 10003 ; { name } < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { name } < / span > } < / span >
< i className = 'fas fa-code-branch pt-1' > < / i >
< / div > :
< span > { currentWorkspace === name ? < span > & # 10003 ; { name } < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { name } < / span > } < / span >
< / Dropdown.Item >
< / Dropdown.Item >
) )
} )
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( LOCALHOST ) } } > { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? < span > & # 10003 ; localhost < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { LOCALHOST } < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item >
{ ( ( global . fs . browser . workspaces . length <= 0 ) || currentWorkspace === NO_WORKSPACE ) && < Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( NO_WORKSPACE ) } } > { < span className = "pl-3" > NO_WORKSPACE < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item > }
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown >
< / Dropdown >
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / header >
< / div >
< Dropdown id = "workspacesSelect" data - id = "workspacesSelect" onToggle = { toggleDropdown } show = { showDropdown } >
< div className = 'h-100 remixui_fileExplorerTree' onFocus = { ( ) = > { toggleDropdown ( false ) } } >
< Dropdown.Toggle as = { CustomToggle } id = "dropdown-custom-components" className = "btn btn-light btn-block w-100 d-inline-block border border-dark form-control mt-1" icon = { selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . isGitRepo && ! ( currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ) ? 'far fa-code-branch' : null } >
< div className = 'h-100' >
{ selectedWorkspace ? selectedWorkspace.name : currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? 'localhost' : NO_WORKSPACE }
{ ( global . fs . browser . isRequestingWorkspace || global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ) && < div className = "text-center py-5" > < i className = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x" > < / i > < / div > }
< / Dropdown.Toggle >
{ ! ( global . fs . browser . isRequestingWorkspace || global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ) &&
( global . fs . mode === 'browser' ) && ( currentWorkspace !== NO_WORKSPACE ) &&
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } className = 'w-100 custom-dropdown-items' data - id = "custom-dropdown-items" >
< div className = 'h-100 remixui_treeview' data - id = 'filePanelFileExplorerTree' >
< Dropdown.Item
< FileExplorer
onClick = { ( ) = > {
name = { currentWorkspace }
createWorkspace ( )
menuItems = { [ 'createNewFile' , 'createNewFolder' , 'publishToGist' , canUpload ? 'uploadFile' : '' ] }
} }
contextMenuItems = { global . fs . browser . contextMenu . registeredMenuItems }
removedContextMenuItems = { global . fs . browser . contextMenu . removedMenuItems }
files = { global . fs . browser . files }
< span className = "pl-3" > - create a new workspace - < / span >
fileState = { global . fs . browser . fileState }
expandPath = { global . fs . browser . expandPath }
< / Dropdown.Item >
focusEdit = { global . fs . focusEdit }
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( LOCALHOST ) } } > { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? < span > & # 10003 ; localhost < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { LOCALHOST } < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item >
focusElement = { global . fs . focusElement }
hideIconsMenu = { hideIconsMenu }
global . fs . browser . workspaces . map ( ( { name , isGitRepo } , index ) = > (
showIconsMenu = { showIconsMenu }
< Dropdown.Item
dispatchCreateNewFile = { global . dispatchCreateNewFile }
key = { index }
modal = { global . modal }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
dispatchCreateNewFolder = { global . dispatchCreateNewFolder }
switchWorkspace ( name )
readonly = { global . fs . readonly }
} }
toast = { global . toast }
data - id = { ` dropdown-item- ${ name } ` }
dispatchDeletePath = { global . dispatchDeletePath }
dispatchRenamePath = { global . dispatchRenamePath }
{ isGitRepo ?
dispatchUploadFile = { global . dispatchUploadFile }
< div className = 'd-flex justify-content-between' >
dispatchCopyFile = { global . dispatchCopyFile }
< span > { currentWorkspace === name ? < span > & # 10003 ; { name } < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { name } < / span > } < / span >
dispatchCopyFolder = { global . dispatchCopyFolder }
< i className = 'fas fa-code-branch pt-1' > < / i >
dispatchPublishToGist = { global . dispatchPublishToGist }
< / div > :
dispatchRunScript = { global . dispatchRunScript }
< span > { currentWorkspace === name ? < span > & # 10003 ; { name } < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { name } < / span > } < / span >
dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent = { global . dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent }
dispatchHandleClickFile = { global . dispatchHandleClickFile }
< / Dropdown.Item >
dispatchSetFocusElement = { global . dispatchSetFocusElement }
) )
dispatchFetchDirectory = { global . dispatchFetchDirectory }
dispatchRemoveInputField = { global . dispatchRemoveInputField }
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( LOCALHOST ) } } > { currentWorkspace === LOCALHOST ? < span > & # 10003 ; localhost < / span > : < span className = "pl-3" > { LOCALHOST } < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item >
dispatchAddInputField = { global . dispatchAddInputField }
{ ( ( global . fs . browser . workspaces . length <= 0 ) || currentWorkspace === NO_WORKSPACE ) && < Dropdown.Item onClick = { ( ) = > { switchWorkspace ( NO_WORKSPACE ) } } > { < span className = "pl-3" > NO_WORKSPACE < / span > } < / Dropdown.Item > }
dispatchHandleExpandPath = { global . dispatchHandleExpandPath }
< / Dropdown.Menu >
dispatchMoveFile = { global . dispatchMoveFile }
< / Dropdown >
dispatchMoveFolder = { global . dispatchMoveFolder }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< / header >
< / div >
{ global . fs . localhost . isRequestingLocalhost && < div className = "text-center py-5" > < i className = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x" > < / i > < / div > }
< div className = 'h-100 remixui_fileExplorerTree' onFocus = { ( ) = > { toggleDropdown ( false ) } } >
{ ( global . fs . mode === 'localhost' && global . fs . localhost . isSuccessfulLocalhost ) &&
< div className = 'h-100' >
< div className = 'h-100 filesystemexplorer remixui_treeview' >
{ ( global . fs . browser . isRequestingWorkspace || global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ) && < div className = "text-center py-5" > < i className = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x" > < / i > < / div > }
< FileExplorer
{ ! ( global . fs . browser . isRequestingWorkspace || global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ) &&
name = 'localhost'
( global . fs . mode === 'browser' ) && ( currentWorkspace !== NO_WORKSPACE ) &&
menuItems = { [ 'createNewFile' , 'createNewFolder' ] }
< div className = 'h-100 remixui_treeview' data - id = 'filePanelFileExplorerTree' >
contextMenuItems = { global . fs . localhost . contextMenu . registeredMenuItems }
< FileExplorer
removedContextMenuItems = { global . fs . localhost . contextMenu . removedMenuItems }
name = { currentWorkspace }
files = { global . fs . localhost . files }
menuItems = { [ 'createNewFile' , 'createNewFolder' , 'publishToGist' , canUpload ? 'uploadFile' : '' ] }
fileState = { [ ] }
contextMenuItems = { global . fs . browser . contextMenu . registeredMenuItems }
expandPath = { global . fs . localhost . expandPath }
removedContextMenuItems = { global . fs . browser . contextMenu . removedMenuItems }
focusEdit = { global . fs . focusEdit }
files = { global . fs . browser . files }
focusElement = { global . fs . focusElement }
fileState = { global . fs . browser . fileState }
hideIconsMenu = { hideIconsMenu }
expandPath = { global . fs . browser . expandPath }
showIconsMenu = { showIconsMenu }
focusEdit = { global . fs . focusEdit }
dispatchCreateNewFile = { global . dispatchCreateNewFile }
focusElement = { global . fs . focusElement }
modal = { global . modal }
hideIconsMenu = { hideIconsMenu }
dispatchCreateNewFolder = { global . dispatchCreateNewFolder }
showIconsMenu = { showIconsMenu }
readonly = { global . fs . readonly }
dispatchCreateNewFile = { global . dispatchCreateNewFile }
toast = { global . toast }
modal = { global . modal }
dispatchDeletePath = { global . dispatchDeletePath }
dispatchCreateNewFolder = { global . dispatchCreateNewFolder }
dispatchRenamePath = { global . dispatchRenamePath }
readonly = { global . fs . readonly }
dispatchUploadFile = { global . dispatchUploadFile }
toast = { global . toast }
dispatchCopyFile = { global . dispatchCopyFile }
dispatchDeletePath = { global . dispatchDeletePath }
dispatchCopyFolder = { global . dispatchCopyFolder }
dispatchRenamePath = { global . dispatchRenamePath }
dispatchPublishToGist = { global . dispatchPublishToGist }
dispatchUploadFile = { global . dispatchUploadFile }
dispatchRunScript = { global . dispatchRunScript }
dispatchCopyFile = { global . dispatchCopyFile }
dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent = { global . dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent }
dispatchCopyFolder = { global . dispatchCopyFolder }
dispatchHandleClickFile = { global . dispatchHandleClickFile }
dispatchPublishToGist = { global . dispatchPublishToGist }
dispatchSetFocusElement = { global . dispatchSetFocusElement }
dispatchRunScript = { global . dispatchRunScript }
dispatchFetchDirectory = { global . dispatchFetchDirectory }
dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent = { global . dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent }
dispatchRemoveInputField = { global . dispatchRemoveInputField }
dispatchHandleClickFile = { global . dispatchHandleClickFile }
dispatchAddInputField = { global . dispatchAddInputField }
dispatchSetFocusElement = { global . dispatchSetFocusElement }
dispatchHandleExpandPath = { global . dispatchHandleExpandPath }
dispatchFetchDirectory = { global . dispatchFetchDirectory }
dispatchMoveFile = { global . dispatchMoveFile }
dispatchRemoveInputField = { global . dispatchRemoveInputField }
dispatchMoveFolder = { global . dispatchMoveFolder }
dispatchAddInputField = { global . dispatchAddInputField }
dispatchHandleExpandPath = { global . dispatchHandleExpandPath }
dispatchMoveFile = { global . dispatchMoveFile }
dispatchMoveFolder = { global . dispatchMoveFolder }
/ >
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
{ global . fs . localhost . isRequestingLocalhost && < div className = "text-center py-5" > < i className = "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x" > < / i > < / div > }
{ ( global . fs . mode === 'localhost' && global . fs . localhost . isSuccessfulLocalhost ) &&
< div className = 'h-100 filesystemexplorer remixui_treeview' >
< FileExplorer
name = 'localhost'
menuItems = { [ 'createNewFile' , 'createNewFolder' ] }
contextMenuItems = { global . fs . localhost . contextMenu . registeredMenuItems }
removedContextMenuItems = { global . fs . localhost . contextMenu . removedMenuItems }
files = { global . fs . localhost . files }
fileState = { [ ] }
expandPath = { global . fs . localhost . expandPath }
focusEdit = { global . fs . focusEdit }
focusElement = { global . fs . focusElement }
hideIconsMenu = { hideIconsMenu }
showIconsMenu = { showIconsMenu }
dispatchCreateNewFile = { global . dispatchCreateNewFile }
modal = { global . modal }
dispatchCreateNewFolder = { global . dispatchCreateNewFolder }
readonly = { global . fs . readonly }
toast = { global . toast }
dispatchDeletePath = { global . dispatchDeletePath }
dispatchRenamePath = { global . dispatchRenamePath }
dispatchUploadFile = { global . dispatchUploadFile }
dispatchCopyFile = { global . dispatchCopyFile }
dispatchCopyFolder = { global . dispatchCopyFolder }
dispatchPublishToGist = { global . dispatchPublishToGist }
dispatchRunScript = { global . dispatchRunScript }
dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent = { global . dispatchEmitContextMenuEvent }
dispatchHandleClickFile = { global . dispatchHandleClickFile }
dispatchSetFocusElement = { global . dispatchSetFocusElement }
dispatchFetchDirectory = { global . dispatchFetchDirectory }
dispatchRemoveInputField = { global . dispatchRemoveInputField }
dispatchAddInputField = { global . dispatchAddInputField }
dispatchHandleExpandPath = { global . dispatchHandleExpandPath }
dispatchMoveFile = { global . dispatchMoveFile }
dispatchMoveFolder = { global . dispatchMoveFolder }
/ >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
selectedWorkspace &&
selectedWorkspace &&
< div className = { ` bg-light border-top ${ selectedWorkspace . isGitRepo ? 'd-block' : 'd-none' } ` } >
< div className = { ` bg-light border-top ${ selectedWorkspace . isGitRepo ? 'd-block' : 'd-none' } ` } style = { { height : '5%' } } >
< div className = 'd-flex justify-space-between p-1' >
< div className = 'd-flex justify-space-between p-1' >
< div className = "mr-auto text-uppercase text-dark pt-2 pl-2" > GIT < / div >
< div className = "mr-auto text-uppercase text-dark pt-2 pl-2" > DGIT < / div >
< div className = "pt-1 mr-1" >
< div className = "pt-1 mr-1" >
< Dropdown style = { { height : 30 , minWidth : 80 } } onToggle = { toggleBranches } show = { showBranches } drop = { 'up' } >
< Dropdown style = { { height : 30 , minWidth : 80 } } onToggle = { toggleBranches } show = { showBranches } drop = { 'up' } >
< Dropdown.Toggle as = { CustomToggle } id = "dropdown-custom-components" className = "btn btn-light btn-block w-100 d-inline-block border border-dark form-control h-100 p-0 pl-2 pr-2 text-dark" icon = { null } >
< Dropdown.Toggle as = { CustomToggle } id = "dropdown-custom-components" className = "btn btn-light btn-block w-100 d-inline-block border border-dark form-control h-100 p-0 pl-2 pr-2 text-dark" icon = { null } >
{ global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ? < i className = "fad fa-spinner fa-spin" > < / i > : currentBranch || '-none-' }
{ global . fs . browser . isRequestingCloning ? < i className = "fad fa-spinner fa-spin" > < / i > : currentBranch || '-none-' }
< / Dropdown.Toggle >
< / Dropdown.Toggle >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } className = 'custom-dropdown-items branches-dropdown' data - id = "custom-dropdown-items" >
< Dropdown.Menu as = { CustomMenu } className = 'custom-dropdown-items branches-dropdown' data - id = "custom-dropdown-items" >
< div className = 'd-flex text-dark' style = { { fontSize : 14 , fontWeight : 'bold' } } >
< div className = 'd-flex text-dark' style = { { fontSize : 14 , fontWeight : 'bold' } } >
< span className = 'mt-2 ml-2 mr-auto' > Switch branches < / span >
< span className = 'mt-2 ml-2 mr-auto' > Switch branches < / span >
< div className = 'pt-2 pr-2' onClick = { ( ) = > { toggleBranches ( false ) } } > < i className = 'fa fa-close' > < / i >
< div className = 'pt-2 pr-2' onClick = { ( ) = > { toggleBranches ( false ) } } > < i className = 'fa fa-close' > < / i >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = 'border-top py-2' >
< input
className = 'form-control border checkout-input bg-light'
placeholder = 'Find or create a branch.'
style = { { minWidth : 225 } }
onChange = { handleBranchFilterChange }
/ >
< / div >
< div className = 'border-top' style = { { maxHeight : 120 , overflowY : 'scroll' } } >
filteredBranches . length > 0 ? filteredBranches . map ( ( branch , index ) = > {
return (
< Dropdown.Item key = { index } onClick = { ( ) = > { switchToBranch ( branch ) } } title = { branch . remote ? 'Checkout new branch from remote branch' : 'Checkout to local branch' } >
( currentBranch === branch . name ) && ! branch . remote ?
< span > & # 10003 ; < i className = 'far fa-code-branch' > < / i > < span className = 'pl-1' > { branch . name } < / span > < / span > :
< span className = 'pl-3' > < i className = { ` far ${ branch . remote ? 'fa-cloud' : 'fa-code-branch' } ` } > < / i > < span className = 'pl-1' > { branch . remote ? ` ${ branch . remote } / ${ branch . name } ` : branch . name } < / span > < / span >
< / Dropdown.Item >
} ) :
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { switchToNewBranch } >
< div className = "pl-1 pr-1" >
< i className = "fas fa-code-branch pr-2" > < / i > < span > Create branch : { branchFilter } from '{currentBranch}' < / span >
< / div >
< / Dropdown.Item >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = 'border-top py-2' >
< input
className = 'form-control border checkout-input bg-light'
placeholder = 'Find or create a branch.'
style = { { minWidth : 225 } }
onChange = { handleBranchFilterChange }
/ >
< / div >
< div className = 'border-top' style = { { maxHeight : 120 , overflowY : 'scroll' } } >
filteredBranches . length > 0 ? filteredBranches . map ( ( branch , index ) = > {
( selectedWorkspace . branches || [ ] ) . length > 4 && < div className = 'text-center border-top pt-2' > < a href = '#' style = { { fontSize : 12 } } onClick = { showAllBranches } > view all branches < / a > < / div >
return (
< Dropdown.Item key = { index } onClick = { ( ) = > { switchToBranch ( branch ) } } title = { branch . remote ? 'Checkout new branch from remote branch' : 'Checkout to local branch' } >
( currentBranch === branch . name ) && ! branch . remote ?
< span > & # 10003 ; < i className = 'far fa-code-branch' > < / i > < span className = 'pl-1' > { branch . name } < / span > < / span > :
< span className = 'pl-3' > < i className = { ` far ${ branch . remote ? 'fa-cloud' : 'fa-code-branch' } ` } > < / i > < span className = 'pl-1' > { branch . remote ? ` ${ branch . remote } / ${ branch . name } ` : branch . name } < / span > < / span >
< / Dropdown.Item >
} ) :
< Dropdown.Item onClick = { switchToNewBranch } >
< div className = "pl-1 pr-1" >
< i className = "fas fa-code-branch pr-2" > < / i > < span > Create branch : { branchFilter } from '{currentBranch}' < / span >
< / div >
< / Dropdown.Item >
< / div >
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown >
( selectedWorkspace . branches || [ ] ) . length > 4 && < div className = 'text-center border-top pt-2' > < a href = '#' style = { { fontSize : 12 } } onClick = { showAllBranches } > view all branches < / a > < / div >
< / div >
< / Dropdown.Menu >
< / Dropdown >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / >