@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => { |
} |
const createNewConfigFile = async () => { |
await api.writeFile(configFilePathInput.current.value, "") |
setConfigFilePath(configFilePathInput.current.value) |
const configFileContent = |
await api.writeFile(configFilePathInput.current.value, "") |
setConfigFilePath(configFilePathInput.current.value) |
} |
const handleConfigPathChange = async () => { |
if (await api.fileExists(configFilePathInput.current.value)) |
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => { |
modal( |
'New configuration file', 'The file you entered does not exist. Do you want to create a new one?', |
'Create', |
async () => await createNewConfigFile, |
async () => await createNewConfigFile(), |
'Cancel', |
() => {} |
) |
@ -568,12 +569,29 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => { |
return ( |
<section> |
<article> |
<header className='remixui_compilerSection border-bottom'> |
<div className="pl-0 d-flex remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" onClick={toggleConfigType}> |
<input type="radio" value="manual" checked={manualConfig} name="configType" /> |
<label className="font-weight-bold ml-1 remixui_compilerLabel">Compiler Configuration</label> |
<header className='pt-0 remixui_compilerSection border-bottom'> |
<div className="d-flex remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="custom-control-input" type="checkbox" value="file" onChange={toggleConfigType} checked={!manualConfig} id="sCManualConfig" /> |
<label className="font-weight-bold pt-1 form-check-label custom-control-label remixui_compilerLabel" htmlFor="sCManualConfig">Use configuration file</label> |
</div> |
<div className={`pt-2 ml-3 ml-2 align-items-start flex-column ${!manualConfig ? 'd-flex' : 'd-none'}`}> |
{ !showFilePathInput && <span className="py-2 text-primary">{configFilePath}</span> } |
<input |
ref={configFilePathInput} |
className={`py-0 my-0 ${showFilePathInput ? "d-flex" : "d-none"}`} |
placeholder={"Enter the new path"} |
title="If the file you entered does not exist you will be able to create one in the next step." |
onKeyPress={event => { |
if (event.key === 'Enter') { |
handleConfigPathChange() |
} |
}} |
/> |
{ !showFilePathInput && <button className="btn-secondary" onClick={() => {setShowFilePathInput(true)}}>Set new config file</button> } |
</div> |
<div className={`pt-2 ml-3 flex-column ${manualConfig ? 'd-flex' : 'd-none'}`}> |
<div className={`flex-column ${manualConfig ? 'd-flex' : 'd-none'}`}> |
<div className="pl-0 d-flex remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
</div> |
<div className="mb-2"> |
<label className="remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor="versionSelector"> |
Compiler |
@ -608,68 +626,32 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => { |
{compileTabLogic.evmVersions.map((version, index) => (<option key={index} data-id={state.evmVersion === version ? 'selected' : ''} value={version}>{version}</option>))} |
</select> |
</div> |
<div className="mt-3"> |
<div className="border-dark pb-3 flex-column"> |
<div className="mt-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" type="checkbox" onChange={handleAutoCompile} data-id="compilerContainerAutoCompile" id="autoCompile" title="Auto compile" checked={state.autoCompile} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="autoCompile">Auto compile</label> |
</div> |
<div className="mt-1 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<div className="justify-content-between align-items-center d-flex"> |
<input onChange={(e) => { handleOptimizeChange(e.target.checked) }} className="custom-control-input" id="optimize" type="checkbox" checked={state.optimize} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="optimize">Enable optimization</label> |
<input |
min="1" |
className="custom-select ml-2 remixui_runs" |
id="runs" |
placeholder="200" |
value={state.runs} |
type="number" |
title="Estimated number of times each opcode of the deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract." |
onChange={(e) => onChangeRuns(e.target.value)} |
disabled={!state.optimize} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="mt-1 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange={handleHideWarningsChange} id="hideWarningsBox" type="checkbox" title="Hide warnings" checked={state.hideWarnings} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="hideWarningsBox">Hide warnings</label> |
</div> |
<div className="mt-1 mt-3 border-dark pb-3 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<div className="justify-content-between align-items-center d-flex"> |
<input onChange={(e) => { handleOptimizeChange(e.target.checked) }} className="custom-control-input" id="optimize" type="checkbox" checked={state.optimize} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="optimize">Enable optimization</label> |
<input |
min="1" |
className="custom-select ml-2 remixui_runs" |
id="runs" |
placeholder="200" |
value={state.runs} |
type="number" |
title="Estimated number of times each opcode of the deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract." |
onChange={(e) => onChangeRuns(e.target.value)} |
disabled={!state.optimize} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
{ |
isHardhatProject && |
<div className="mt-3 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange={updatehhCompilation} id="enableHardhat" type="checkbox" title="Enable Hardhat Compilation" checked={hhCompilation} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="enableHardhat">Enable Hardhat Compilation</label> |
<a className="mt-1 text-nowrap" href='https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hardhat.html#enable-hardhat-compilation' target={'_blank'}> |
<OverlayTrigger placement={'right'} overlay={ |
<Tooltip className="text-nowrap" id="overlay-tooltip"> |
<span className="p-1 pr-3" style={{ backgroundColor: 'black', minWidth: '230px' }}>Learn how to use Hardhat Compilation</span> |
</Tooltip> |
}> |
<i style={{ fontSize: 'medium' }} className={'ml-2 fal fa-info-circle'} aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
</a> |
</div> |
} |
</div> |
<div className="pl-0 d-flex remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" onClick={toggleConfigType}> |
<input type="radio" value="file" checked={!manualConfig} name="configType" /> |
<label className="font-weight-bold ml-1 remixui_compilerLabel">Use configuration file</label> |
<label className="font-weight-bold ml-1 mt-3 remixui_compilerLabel">Plugin settings</label> |
<div className="mt-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" type="checkbox" onChange={handleAutoCompile} data-id="compilerContainerAutoCompile" id="autoCompile" title="Auto compile" checked={state.autoCompile} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="autoCompile">Auto compile</label> |
</div> |
<div className={`pt-2 ml-3 align-items-start flex-column ${!manualConfig ? 'd-flex' : 'd-none'}`}> |
{ !showFilePathInput && <span>{configFilePath}</span> } |
{ showFilePathInput && <input |
ref={configFilePathInput} |
placeholder={"Enter new path"} |
onKeyPress={event => { |
if (event.key === 'Enter') { |
handleConfigPathChange() |
} |
}} |
/> } |
{ !showFilePathInput && <button className="mt-2 btn-secondary" onClick={() => {setShowFilePathInput(true)}}>Set new config file</button> } |
<div className="mt-1 mb-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input className="remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange={handleHideWarningsChange} id="hideWarningsBox" type="checkbox" title="Hide warnings" checked={state.hideWarnings} /> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="hideWarningsBox">Hide warnings</label> |
</div> |
{ |
isHardhatProject && |
@ -704,52 +686,52 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => { |
</div> |
} |
<div> |
<button id="compileBtn" data-id="compilerContainerCompileBtn" className="btn btn-primary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break remixui_disabled mb-1 mt-3" onClick={compile} disabled={disableCompileButton}> |
<OverlayTrigger overlay={ |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile"> |
<div className="text-left"> |
<div><b>Ctrl+S</b> for compiling</div> |
</div> |
</Tooltip> |
}> |
<span> |
{ <i ref={compileIcon} className="fas fa-sync remixui_iconbtn" aria-hidden="true"></i> } |
Compile { typeof state.compiledFileName === 'string' ? extractNameFromKey(state.compiledFileName) || '<no file selected>' : '<no file selected>' } |
</span> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
</button> |
<div className='d-flex align-items-center'>
<button id="compileAndRunBtn" data-id="compilerContainerCompileAndRunBtn" className="btn btn-secondary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break remixui_solidityCompileAndRunButton d-inline-block remixui_disabled mb-1 mt-3" onClick={compileAndRun} disabled={disableCompileButton}> |
<button id="compileBtn" data-id="compilerContainerCompileBtn" className="btn btn-primary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break remixui_disabled mb-1 mt-3" onClick={compile} disabled={disableCompileButton}> |
<OverlayTrigger overlay={ |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile-run"> |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile"> |
<div className="text-left"> |
<div><b>Ctrl+Shift+S</b> for compiling and script execution</div> |
<div><b>Ctrl+S</b> for compiling</div> |
</div> |
</Tooltip> |
}> |
<span> |
Compile and Run script |
{ <i ref={compileIcon} className="fas fa-sync remixui_iconbtn" aria-hidden="true"></i> } |
Compile { typeof state.compiledFileName === 'string' ? extractNameFromKey(state.compiledFileName) || '<no file selected>' : '<no file selected>' } |
</span> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
</button> |
<OverlayTrigger overlay={ |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile-run-doc"> |
<div className="text-left p-2"> |
<div>Choose the script to execute right after compilation by adding the `dev-run-script` natspec tag, as in:</div> |
<pre> |
<code> |
/**<br /> |
* @title ContractName<br /> |
* @dev ContractDescription<br /> |
* @custom:dev-run-script file_path<br /> |
*/<br /> |
contract ContractName {'{}'}<br /> |
</code> |
</pre> |
Click to know more |
<div className='d-flex align-items-center'>
<button id="compileAndRunBtn" data-id="compilerContainerCompileAndRunBtn" className="btn btn-secondary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break remixui_solidityCompileAndRunButton d-inline-block remixui_disabled mb-1 mt-3" onClick={compileAndRun} disabled={disableCompileButton}> |
<OverlayTrigger overlay={ |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile-run"> |
<div className="text-left"> |
<div><b>Ctrl+Shift+S</b> for compiling and script execution</div> |
</div> |
</Tooltip> |
}> |
<span> |
Compile and Run script |
</span> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
<OverlayTrigger overlay={ |
<Tooltip id="overlay-tooltip-compile-run-doc"> |
<div className="text-left p-2"> |
<div>Choose the script to execute right after compilation by adding the `dev-run-script` natspec tag, as in:</div> |
<pre> |
<code> |
/**<br /> |
* @title ContractName<br /> |
* @dev ContractDescription<br /> |
* @custom:dev-run-script file_path<br /> |
*/<br /> |
contract ContractName {'{}'}<br /> |
</code> |
</pre> |
Click to know more |
</div> |
</Tooltip> |
}> |
<a href="https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/running_js_scripts.html#compile-a-contract-and-run-a-script-on-the-fly" target="_blank" ><i className="pl-2 ml-2 mt-3 mb-1 fas fa-info text-dark"></i></a> |
</OverlayTrigger> |
<CopyToClipboard tip="Copy tag to use in contract NatSpec" getContent={() => '@custom:dev-run-script file_path'} direction='top'> |