<p>Execution environment has been provided by Mist or similar provider.</p>
<p>Execution environment has been provided by Mist or similar provider.</p>
<!-- This element cannot be named web3 due to this HTML quirk: http://www.2ality.com/2012/08/ids-are-global.html. In order to detect when web3 is injected by Mist, MetaMask, etc, there cannot be any HTML elements with and id of web3. -->
<p>Execution environment connects to node at localhost (or via IPC if available), transactions will be sent to the network and can cause loss of money or worse!<br/>
<p>Execution environment connects to node at localhost (or via IPC if available), transactions will be sent to the network and can cause loss of money or worse!<br/>
<b>If this page is served via https and you access your node via http, it might not work. In this case, try cloning the repository and serving it via http.</b></p>
<b>If this page is served via https and you access your node via http, it might not work. In this case, try cloning the repository and serving it via http.</b></p>