@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
let testSuites: any |
let testSuites: any |
let runningTestFileName: any |
let runningTestFileName: any |
let [testsResultByFilename, setTestsResultByFilename] = useState<Record<string, any>>({}) |
const trimTestDirInput = (input:string) => { |
const trimTestDirInput = (input:string) => { |
if (input.includes('/')) return input.split('/').map(e => e.trim()).join('/') |
if (input.includes('/')) return input.split('/').map(e => e.trim()).join('/') |
else return input.trim() |
else return input.trim() |
@ -245,93 +250,248 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
const testCallback = (result: any, runningTests: any) => { |
const showTestsResult = () => { |
console.log('result---in testCallback->', result) |
setTestsOutput([]) |
let debugBtn |
let filenames = Object.keys(testsResultByFilename) |
if ((result.type === 'testPass' || result.type === 'testFailure') && result.debugTxHash) { |
for(const filename of filenames) { |
const { web3, debugTxHash } = result |
const fileTestsResult = testsResultByFilename[filename] |
debugBtn = ( |
const contracts = Object.keys(fileTestsResult) |
<div id={result.value.replaceAll(' ', '_')} className="btn border btn btn-sm ml-1" style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} title="Start debugging" onClick={() => startDebug(debugTxHash, web3)}> |
for(const contract of contracts) { |
<i className="fas fa-bug"></i> |
if(contract && contract !== 'summary') { |
</div> |
runningTestFileName = cleanFileName(filename, contract) |
) |
// show contract and file name
} |
const ContractCard: any = ( |
if (result.type === 'contract') { |
<div id={runningTestFileName} data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" className="pt-1"> |
var testSuite = result.value |
<span className="font-weight-bold">{contract} ({filename})</span> |
if (testSuites) { |
</div> |
testSuites.push(testSuite) |
) |
} else { |
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, ContractCard])) |
testSuites = [testSuite] |
// show tests
const tests = fileTestsResult[contract] |
if (tests?.length) { |
for(const test of tests) { |
if (test.type === 'testPass') { |
if (test.hhLogs && test.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(test.hhLogs, test.value) |
const testPassCard: any = ( |
<div |
id={runningTestFileName} |
data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" |
className="testPass testLog bg-light mb-2 px-2 text-success border-0" |
onClick={() => discardHighlight()} |
> |
<div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between"> |
<span > ✓ {test.value}</span> |
{/* {debugBtn} */} |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testPassCard])) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
runningTestFileName = cleanFileName(result.filename, testSuite) |
// show testsSummary
const ContractCard: any = ( |
} |
<div id={runningTestFileName} data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" className="pt-1"> |
// let debugBtn
<span className="font-weight-bold">{testSuite} ({result.filename})</span> |
// if ((result.type === 'testPass' || result.type === 'testFailure') && result.debugTxHash) {
</div> |
// const { web3, debugTxHash } = result
) |
// debugBtn = (
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, ContractCard])) |
// <div id={result.value.replaceAll(' ', '_')} className="btn border btn btn-sm ml-1" style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} title="Start debugging" onClick={() => startDebug(debugTxHash, web3)}>
} else if (result.type === 'testPass') { |
// <i className="fas fa-bug"></i>
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value) |
// </div>
const testPassCard: any = ( |
// )
<div |
// }
id={runningTestFileName} |
// if (result.type === 'contract') {
data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" |
// var testSuite = result.value
className="testPass testLog bg-light mb-2 px-2 text-success border-0" |
// if (testSuites) {
onClick={() => discardHighlight()} |
// testSuites.push(testSuite)
> |
// } else {
<div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between"> |
// testSuites = [testSuite]
<span > ✓ {result.value}</span> |
// }
{debugBtn} |
// runningTestFileName = cleanFileName(result.filename, testSuite)
</div> |
// const ContractCard: any = (
</div> |
// <div id={runningTestFileName} data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" className="pt-1">
) |
// <span className="font-weight-bold">{testSuite} ({result.filename})</span>
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testPassCard])) |
// </div>
} else if (result.type === 'testFailure') { |
// )
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value) |
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, ContractCard]))
if (!result.assertMethod) { |
// } else if (result.type === 'testPass') {
const testFailCard1: any = (<div |
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0" |
// const testPassCard: any = (
id={"UTContext" + result.context} |
// <div
onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)} |
// id={runningTestFileName}
> |
// data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"
<div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between"> |
// className="testPass testLog bg-light mb-2 px-2 text-success border-0"
<span> ✘ {result.value}</span> |
// onClick={() => discardHighlight()}
{debugBtn} |
// >
</div> |
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
<span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span> |
// <span > ✓ {result.value}</span>
<span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span> |
// {debugBtn}
</div>) |
// </div>
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard1])) |
// </div>
} else { |
// )
const preposition = result.assertMethod === 'equal' || result.assertMethod === 'notEqual' ? 'to' : '' |
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testPassCard]))
const method = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '' : result.assertMethod |
// } else if (result.type === 'testFailure') {
const expected = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '\'true\'' : result.expected |
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
const testFailCard2: any = (<div |
// if (!result.assertMethod) {
className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0" |
// const testFailCard1: any = (<div
id="UTContext${result.context}" |
// className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0"
onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)} |
// id={"UTContext" + result.context}
> |
// onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)}
<div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
// >
<span> ✘ {result.value}</span> |
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
{debugBtn} |
// <span> ✘ {result.value}</span>
// {debugBtn}
<span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span> |
// </div>
<span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span> |
// <span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span>
<span className="text-dark">Assertion:</span> |
// <span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span>
<div className="d-flex flex-wrap"> |
// </div>)
<span>Expected value should be</span> |
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard1]))
<div className="mx-1 font-weight-bold">{method}</div> |
// } else {
<div>{preposition} {expected}</div> |
// const preposition = result.assertMethod === 'equal' || result.assertMethod === 'notEqual' ? 'to' : ''
</div> |
// const method = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '' : result.assertMethod
<span className="text-dark">Received value:</span> |
// const expected = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '\'true\'' : result.expected
<span>{result.returned}</span> |
// const testFailCard2: any = (<div
<span className="text-dark text-sm pb-2">Skipping the remaining tests of the function.</span> |
// className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0"
</div>) |
// id="UTContext${result.context}"
setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard2])) |
// onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)}
// >
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
// <span> ✘ {result.value}</span>
// {debugBtn}
// </div>
// <span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span>
// <span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span>
// <span className="text-dark">Assertion:</span>
// <div className="d-flex flex-wrap">
// <span>Expected value should be</span>
// <div className="mx-1 font-weight-bold">{method}</div>
// <div>{preposition} {expected}</div>
// </div>
// <span className="text-dark">Received value:</span>
// <span>{result.returned}</span>
// <span className="text-dark text-sm pb-2">Skipping the remaining tests of the function.</span>
// </div>)
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard2]))
// }
// } else if (result.type === 'logOnly') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
// }
} |
// const testCallback = (result: any, runningTests: any) => {
// console.log('result--------------in testCallback->', result)
// console.log('testsResultByFilename--------============------in testCallback->', testsResultByFilename)
// if(result.filename) {
// if(!testsResultByFilename[result.filename]) {
// testsResultByFilename[result.filename] = {}
// testsResultByFilename[result.filename][contract]['tests'] = []
// testsResultByFilename[result.filename]['summary'] = {}
// }
// testsResultByFilename[result.filename]['tests'].push(result)
// }
// }
const testCallback = (result: any, runningTests: any) => { |
console.log('result--------------in testCallback->', result) |
console.log('testsResultByFilename--------============------in testCallback->', testsResultByFilename) |
if(result.filename) { |
if(!testsResultByFilename[result.filename]) { |
testsResultByFilename[result.filename] = {} |
testsResultByFilename[result.filename]['summary'] = {} |
} |
} |
} else if (result.type === 'logOnly') { |
if(result.type === 'contract') { |
if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value) |
testsResultByFilename[result.filename][result.value] = [] |
} else
testsResultByFilename[result.filename][result.context].push(result) |
showTestsResult() |
} |
} |
// let debugBtn
// if ((result.type === 'testPass' || result.type === 'testFailure') && result.debugTxHash) {
// const { web3, debugTxHash } = result
// debugBtn = (
// <div id={result.value.replaceAll(' ', '_')} className="btn border btn btn-sm ml-1" style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} title="Start debugging" onClick={() => startDebug(debugTxHash, web3)}>
// <i className="fas fa-bug"></i>
// </div>
// )
// }
// if (result.type === 'contract') {
// var testSuite = result.value
// if (testSuites) {
// testSuites.push(testSuite)
// } else {
// testSuites = [testSuite]
// }
// runningTestFileName = cleanFileName(result.filename, testSuite)
// const ContractCard: any = (
// <div id={runningTestFileName} data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader" className="pt-1">
// <span className="font-weight-bold">{testSuite} ({result.filename})</span>
// </div>
// )
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, ContractCard]))
// } else if (result.type === 'testPass') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
// const testPassCard: any = (
// <div
// id={runningTestFileName}
// data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"
// className="testPass testLog bg-light mb-2 px-2 text-success border-0"
// onClick={() => discardHighlight()}
// >
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
// <span > ✓ {result.value}</span>
// {debugBtn}
// </div>
// </div>
// )
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testPassCard]))
// } else if (result.type === 'testFailure') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
// if (!result.assertMethod) {
// const testFailCard1: any = (<div
// className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0"
// id={"UTContext" + result.context}
// onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)}
// >
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
// <span> ✘ {result.value}</span>
// {debugBtn}
// </div>
// <span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span>
// <span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span>
// </div>)
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard1]))
// } else {
// const preposition = result.assertMethod === 'equal' || result.assertMethod === 'notEqual' ? 'to' : ''
// const method = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '' : result.assertMethod
// const expected = result.assertMethod === 'ok' ? '\'true\'' : result.expected
// const testFailCard2: any = (<div
// className="bg-light mb-2 px-2 testLog d-flex flex-column text-danger border-0"
// id="UTContext${result.context}"
// onClick={() => highlightLocation(result.location, runningTests, result.filename)}
// >
// <div className="d-flex my-1 align-items-start justify-content-between">
// <span> ✘ {result.value}</span>
// {debugBtn}
// </div>
// <span className="text-dark">Error Message:</span>
// <span className="pb-2 text-break">"{result.errMsg}"</span>
// <span className="text-dark">Assertion:</span>
// <div className="d-flex flex-wrap">
// <span>Expected value should be</span>
// <div className="mx-1 font-weight-bold">{method}</div>
// <div>{preposition} {expected}</div>
// </div>
// <span className="text-dark">Received value:</span>
// <span>{result.returned}</span>
// <span className="text-dark text-sm pb-2">Skipping the remaining tests of the function.</span>
// </div>)
// setTestsOutput(prevCards => ([...prevCards, testFailCard2]))
// }
// } else if (result.type === 'logOnly') {
// if (result.hhLogs && result.hhLogs.length) printHHLogs(result.hhLogs, result.value)
// }
} |
} |
const resultsCallback = (_err: any, result: any, cb: any) => { |
const resultsCallback = (_err: any, result: any, cb: any) => { |
@ -343,7 +503,8 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
} |
} |
const updateFinalResult = (_errors: any, result: any, filename: any) => { |
const updateFinalResult = (_errors: any, result: any, filename: any) => { |
console.log('result---in updateFinalResult->', result, filename) |
console.log('result---------------------------in updateFinalResult->', result, filename) |
console.log('testsResultByFilename---------------------------in updateFinalResult->', testsResultByFilename) |
++readyTestsNumber |
++readyTestsNumber |
setTestsSummaryHidden('visible') |
setTestsSummaryHidden('visible') |
// if (!result && (_errors && (_errors.errors || (Array.isArray(_errors) && (_errors[0].message || _errors[0].formattedMessage))))) {
// if (!result && (_errors && (_errors.errors || (Array.isArray(_errors) && (_errors[0].message || _errors[0].formattedMessage))))) {
@ -363,7 +524,8 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
if (result) { |
if (result) { |
const totalTime = parseFloat(result.totalTime).toFixed(2) |
const totalTime = parseFloat(result.totalTime).toFixed(2) |
testsSummary = { filename, passed: result.totalPassing, failed: result.totalFailing, timeTaken: totalTime } |
testsSummary = { filename, passed: result.totalPassing, failed: result.totalFailing, timeTaken: totalTime } |
setTestsSummary(testsSummary) |
testsResultByFilename[filename]['summary']= testsSummary |
// setTestsSummary(testsSummary)
} |
} |
// fix for displaying right label for multiple tests (testsuites) in a single file
// fix for displaying right label for multiple tests (testsuites) in a single file
// this.testSuites.forEach(testSuite => {
// this.testSuites.forEach(testSuite => {
@ -459,6 +621,7 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
clearResults() |
clearResults() |
// yo.update(this.resultStatistics, this.createResultLabel())
// yo.update(this.resultStatistics, this.createResultLabel())
const tests = selectedTests |
const tests = selectedTests |
console.log('tests--in runTests----------------->', tests) |
if (!tests) return |
if (!tests) return |
// this.resultStatistics.hidden = tests.length === 0
// this.resultStatistics.hidden = tests.length === 0
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'solidityUnitTesting', 'runTests'])
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'solidityUnitTesting', 'runTests'])
@ -641,12 +804,12 @@ export const SolidityUnitTesting = (props: any) => { |
<label className="text-danger h6" data-id="testTabTestsExecutionStoppedError" hidden={testsExecutionStoppedErrorHidden}>The test execution has been stopped because of error(s) in your test file</label> |
<label className="text-danger h6" data-id="testTabTestsExecutionStoppedError" hidden={testsExecutionStoppedErrorHidden}>The test execution has been stopped because of error(s) in your test file</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div>{testsOutput}</div> |
<div>{testsOutput}</div> |
<div className="d-flex alert-secondary mb-3 p-3 flex-column" style= {{visibility: testsSummaryHidden} as CSSProperties }> |
{/* <div className="d-flex alert-secondary mb-3 p-3 flex-column" style= {{visibility: testsSummaryHidden} as CSSProperties }> |
<span className="font-weight-bold">{testsSummary && testsSummary.filename ? `Result for ${testsSummary.filename}` : ''}</span> |
<span className="font-weight-bold">{testsSummary && testsSummary.filename ? `Result for ${testsSummary.filename}` : ''}</span> |
<span className="text-success">{testsSummary && testsSummary.passed >= 0 ? `Passed: ${testsSummary.passed}` : ''}</span> |
<span className="text-success">{testsSummary && testsSummary.passed >= 0 ? `Passed: ${testsSummary.passed}` : ''}</span> |
<span className="text-danger">{testsSummary && testsSummary.failed >= 0 ? `Failed: ${testsSummary.failed}` : ''}</span> |
<span className="text-danger">{testsSummary && testsSummary.failed >= 0 ? `Failed: ${testsSummary.failed}` : ''}</span> |
<span>{testsSummary && testsSummary.timeTaken ? `Time Taken: ${testsSummary.timeTaken}` : ''}</span> |
<span>{testsSummary && testsSummary.timeTaken ? `Time Taken: ${testsSummary.timeTaken}` : ''}</span> |
</div> |
</div> */} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
) |