{value:"zeroxErc20",displayName:"ERC20",tagList:["ERC20","Solidity"],description:"A standard interface for fungible tokens by 0xProject"}
{value:"zeroxErc20",displayName:"ERC20",tagList:["ERC20","Solidity"],description:"A fungible token contract by 0xProject"}
name:"Gnosis Safe",
name:"Gnosis Safe",
{value:"gnosisSafeMultisig",tagList:["Solidity"],displayName: intl.formatMessage({id:'filePanel.multiSigWallet'}),description:'Deploy or Customize the Gnosis Safe.'}
{value:"gnosisSafeMultisig",tagList:["Solidity"],displayName: intl.formatMessage({id:'filePanel.multiSigWallet'}),description:'Deploy or customize the Gnosis Safe.'}
name:"Circom ZKP",
name:"Circom ZKP",
{value:"semaphore",tagList:["ZKP"],displayName: intl.formatMessage({id:'filePanel.semaphore'}),description:'Run a ZK Semaphore circom circuit.'},
{value:"semaphore",tagList:["ZKP"],displayName: intl.formatMessage({id:'filePanel.semaphore'}),description:'Semaphore protocol for casting a message as a provable group member'},
{value:"hashchecker",tagList:["ZKP"],displayName: intl.formatMessage({id:'filePanel.hashchecker'}),description:'Run a ZK Hash checker circom circuit.'},
"settings.generateContractMetadataText":"Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.",
"settings.generateContractMetadataTooltip":"Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.",
"settings.ethereunVMText":"Always use the Remix VM at load",
"settings.ethereunVMText":"Always use the Remix VM at load",
"settings.wordWrapText":"Word wrap in editor",
"settings.wordWrapText":"Word wrap in editor",
"settings.useAutoCompleteText":"Enable code completion in editor.",
"settings.useAutoCompleteText":"Enable code completion in editor",
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText":"Display gas estimates in editor.",
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText":"Display gas estimates in editor",
"settings.displayErrorsText":"Display errors in editor while typing.",
"settings.displayErrorsText":"Display errors in editor while typing",
"settings.matomoAnalytics":"Enable Matomo Analytics. We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII). The info is used to improve the site’s UX & UI. See more about ",
"settings.enablePersonalModeText":" Enable Personal Mode for web3 provider. Transaction sent over Web3 will use the web3.personal API.\n",
"settings.matomoAnalyticsTooltip":"We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII). The info is used to improve the site’s UX & UI.",
"settings.warnText":"Be sure the endpoint is opened before enabling it. This mode allows a user to provide a passphrase in the Remix interface without having to unlock the account. Although this is very convenient, you should completely trust the backend you are connected to (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix never persists any passphrase",
"settings.enablePersonalModeText":" Enable Personal Mode for web3 provider",
"settings.enablePersonalModeTooltip":"Transaction sent over Web3 will use the web3.personal API. Be sure the endpoint is opened before enabling it. This mode allows a user to provide a passphrase in the Remix interface without having to unlock the account. Although this is very convenient, you should completely trust the backend you are connected to (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix never persists any passphrase",
"settings.gitAccessTokenText":"The access token is used to publish a Gist and retrieve GitHub contents. You may need to input username/email.",
"settings.gitAccessTokenText":"The access token is used to publish a Gist and retrieve GitHub contents. You may need to input username/email.",
"settings.gitAccessTokenText2":"Go to github token page (link below) to create a new token and save it in Remix. Make sure this token has only 'create gist' permission",
"settings.gitAccessTokenText2":"Go to github token page (link below) to create a new token and save it in Remix. Make sure this token has only 'create gist' permission",