"settings.generateContractMetadataText":"Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.",
"settings.generateContractMetadataText":"Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.",
"settings.ethereunVMText":"Always use Javascript VM at load",
"settings.ethereunVMText":"Always use the Remix VM at load",
"settings.wordWrapText":"Word wrap in editor",
"settings.wordWrapText":"Word wrap in editor",
"settings.useAutoCompleteText":"Enable code completion in editor.",
"settings.useAutoCompleteText":"Enable code completion in editor.",
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText":"Display gas estimates in editor.",
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText":"Display gas estimates in editor.",