@ -49,21 +49,25 @@ export function RecorderUI (props: RecorderProps) {
< div className = { ` flex-column ${ toggleExpander ? "d-flex" : "d-none" } ` } >
< div className = { ` flex-column ${ toggleExpander ? "d-flex" : "d-none" } ` } >
< div className = "mb-1 mt-1 fmt-2 custom-control custom-checkbox mb-1" >
< div className = "mb-1 mt-1 fmt-2 custom-control custom-checkbox mb-1" >
< input ref = { inputLive } type = "checkbox" id = "livemode-recorder" className = "custom-control-input custom-select" name = "input-livemode" / >
< input ref = { inputLive } type = "checkbox" id = "livemode-recorder" className = "custom-control-input custom-select" name = "input-livemode" / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" title = "If contracts are updated after recording transactions, checking this box will run recorded transactions with latest copy of compiled contracts" data - id = "runtabLivemodeInput" htmlFor = "livemode-recorder" > Use latest compiled copy of contracts < / label >
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "tooltip-livemode-recorder" >
< span > If contracts are updated after recording transactions , checking this box < br / > will run recorded transactions with the latest copy of the compiled contracts < / span >
< / Tooltip >
} >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" data - id = "runtabLivemodeInput" htmlFor = "livemode-recorder" > Run transactions using the latest compilation result < / label >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "mb-1 mt-1 udapp_transactionActions" >
< div className = "mb-1 mt-1 udapp_transactionActions" >
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "tooltip-save-recorder" >
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "tooltip-save-recorder" >
< span > Save { props . count } transaction { props . count === 1 ? '' : 's' } as scenario file
< span > Save { props . count } transaction { props . count === 1 ? '' : 's' } as scenario file < / span >
< / span >
< / Tooltip >
< / Tooltip >
} >
} >
< button className = "btn btn-sm btn-info savetransaction udapp_recorder" title = { props . count === 0 ? 'No transactions to save' : '' } disabled = { props . count === 0 ? true : false } onClick = { triggerRecordButton } > Save < / button >
< button className = "btn btn-sm btn-info savetransaction udapp_recorder" title = { props . count === 0 ? 'No transactions to save' : '' } disabled = { props . count === 0 ? true : false } onClick = { triggerRecordButton } > Save < / button >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "tooltip-run-recorder" >
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "tooltip-run-recorder" >
< span > Run transaction ( s ) from the current scenario file
< span > Run transaction ( s ) from the current scenario file < / span >
< / span >
< / Tooltip >
< / Tooltip >
} >
} >
< button className = "btn btn-sm btn-info runtransaction udapp_runTxs" data - id = "runtransaction" title = { enableRunButton ? 'No scenario file selected' : '' } disabled = { enableRunButton } onClick = { handleClickRunButton } > Run < / button >
< button className = "btn btn-sm btn-info runtransaction udapp_runTxs" data - id = "runtransaction" title = { enableRunButton ? 'No scenario file selected' : '' } disabled = { enableRunButton } onClick = { handleClickRunButton } > Run < / button >