@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ |
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */ |
export const moveLanguageConfig = { |
comments: { |
lineComment: "//", |
blockComment: ["/*", "*/"], |
}, |
brackets: [ |
["{", "}"], |
["[", "]"], |
["(", ")"], |
], |
autoClosingPairs: [ |
{ open: "[", close: "]" }, |
{ open: "{", close: "}" }, |
{ open: "(", close: ")" }, |
{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"] }, |
], |
surroundingPairs: [ |
{ open: "{", close: "}" }, |
{ open: "[", close: "]" }, |
{ open: "(", close: ")" }, |
{ open: '"', close: '"' }, |
{ open: "'", close: "'" }, |
], |
folding: { |
markers: { |
start: new RegExp("^\\s*#pragma\\s+region\\b"), |
end: new RegExp("^\\s*#pragma\\s+endregion\\b"), |
}, |
}, |
}; |
export const moveTokenProvider = { |
// Set defaultToken to invalid to see what you do not tokenize yet
// defaultToken: 'invalid',
keywords: [ |
"as", |
"break", |
"const", |
"crate", |
"enum", |
"extern", |
"false", |
"fun", |
"script", |
"in", |
"let", |
"module", |
"move", |
"mut", |
"pub", |
"ref", |
"return", |
"self", |
"Self", |
"static", |
"struct", |
"super", |
"trait", |
"true", |
"type", |
"unsafe", |
"use", |
"where", |
"use", |
"macro_rules", |
], |
controlFlowKeywords: [ |
"continue", |
"else", |
"for", |
"if", |
"while", |
"loop", |
"match", |
], |
typeKeywords: [ |
"Self", |
"m32", |
"m64", |
"m128", |
"f80", |
"f16", |
"f128", |
"int", |
"uint", |
"float", |
"char", |
"bool", |
"u8", |
"u16", |
"u32", |
"u64", |
"f32", |
"f64", |
"i8", |
"i16", |
"i32", |
"i64", |
"str", |
"Option", |
"Either", |
"c_float", |
"c_double", |
"c_void", |
"FILE", |
"fpos_t", |
"DIR", |
"dirent", |
"c_char", |
"c_schar", |
"c_uchar", |
"c_short", |
"c_ushort", |
"c_int", |
"c_uint", |
"c_long", |
"c_ulong", |
"size_t", |
"ptrdiff_t", |
"clock_t", |
"time_t", |
"c_longlong", |
"c_ulonglong", |
"intptr_t", |
"uintptr_t", |
"off_t", |
"dev_t", |
"ino_t", |
"pid_t", |
"mode_t", |
"ssize_t", |
], |
operators: [ |
"=", |
">", |
"<", |
"!", |
"~", |
"?", |
":", |
"==", |
"<=", |
">=", |
"!=", |
"&&", |
"||", |
"++", |
"--", |
"+", |
"-", |
"*", |
"/", |
"&", |
"|", |
"^", |
"%", |
"<<", |
">>", |
">>>", |
"+=", |
"-=", |
"*=", |
"/=", |
"&=", |
"|=", |
"^=", |
"%=", |
"<<=", |
">>=", |
">>>=", |
], |
// we include these common regular expressions
symbols: /[=><!~?:&|+\-*\/\^%]+/, |
// C# style strings
escapes: |
/\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"']|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/, |
// The main tokenizer for languages
tokenizer: { |
root: [ |
// identifiers and keywords
[ |
/[a-z_$][\w$]*/, |
{ |
cases: { |
"@typeKeywords": "type.identifier", |
"@keywords": { |
cases: { |
fun: { token: "keyword", next: "@func_decl" }, |
let: { token: "keyword", next: "@func_decl" }, |
if: { token: "keyword", next: "@func_decl" }, |
use: { token: "keyword", next: "@func_decl" }, |
"@default": "keyword", |
}, |
}, |
"@controlFlowKeywords": "keyword.control", |
"@default": "variable", |
}, |
}, |
], |
[/[A-Z][\w\$]*/, "type.identifier"], // to show class names nicely
// whitespace
{ include: "@whitespace" }, |
// delimiters and operators
[/[{}()\[\]]/, "@brackets"], |
[/[<>](?!@symbols)/, "@brackets"], |
[/@symbols/, { cases: { "@operators": "operator", "@default": "" } }], |
// @ annotations.
// As an example, we emit a debugging log message on these tokens.
// Note: message are supressed during the first load -- change some lines to see them.
[ |
/@\s*[a-zA-Z_\$][\w\$]*/, |
{ token: "annotation", log: "annotation token: $0" }, |
], |
// numbers
[/\d*\.\d+([eE][\-+]?\d+)?/, "number.float"], |
[/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/, "number.hex"], |
[/\d+/, "number"], |
// delimiter: after number because of .\d floats
[/[;,.]/, "delimiter"], |
// strings
[/"([^"\\]|\\.)*$/, "string.invalid"], // non-teminated string
[/"/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@open", next: "@string" }], |
// characters
[/'[^\\']'/, "string"], |
[/(')(@escapes)(')/, ["string", "string.escape", "string"]], |
[/'/, "string.invalid"], |
], |
comment: [ |
[/[^\/*]+/, "comment"], |
[/\/\*/, "comment", "@push"], // nested comment
["\\*/", "comment", "@pop"], |
[/[\/*]/, "comment"], |
], |
string: [ |
[/[^\\"]+/, "string"], |
[/@escapes/, "string.escape"], |
[/\\./, "string.escape.invalid"], |
[/"/, { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }], |
], |
whitespace: [ |
[/[ \t\r\n]+/, "white"], |
[/\/\*/, "comment", "@comment"], |
[/\/\/.*$/, "comment"], |
], |
func_decl: [[/[a-z_$][\w$]*/, "support.function", "@pop"]], |
}, |
}; |
Reference in new issue