"udapp.forkVmStateDesc1":"Forking state will create a new environment with same state as selected environment",
"udapp.forkVmStateDesc2":"New environment will be pinned, which can be unpinned or deleted using Envionment Explorer",
"udapp.deleteVmStateTitle":"Delete VM state",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc1":"Deleting the state of this VM will delete the associated transaction details in this Workspace.",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc2":"It will also delete the data of contracts deployed and pinned in this Workspace.",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc3":"Do you want to continue?",
"udapp.resetVmStateTitle":"Reset VM state",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc1":"Resetting the state of this VM will delete the associated transaction details in this Workspace.",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc2":"It will also delete the data of contracts deployed and pinned in this Workspace.",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc3":"Do you want to continue?",
"udapp.injectedTitle":"Unfortunately it's not possible to create an account using injected provider. Please create the account directly from your provider (i.e metamask or other of the same type).",
"editor.explainFunctionByAI":"```\n{content}\n```\nExplain the function {currentFunction}",
"editor.explainFunctionByAISol":"```\n{content}\n```\nExplain the function {currentFunction}",
"editor.ExplainPipeMessage":"```\n {content}\n```\nExplain the snipped above",
"editor.PastedCodeSafety":"```\n {content}\n```\n\nReply in a short manner: Does this code contain major security vulnerabilities leading to a scam or loss of funds?",
"editor.executeFreeFunction":"Run a free function",
"editor.executeFreeFunction2":"Run the free function \"{name}\"",
"editor.toastText1":"This can only execute free function",
"udapp.forkVmStateDesc1":"Forking state will create a new environment with same state as selected environment",
"udapp.forkVmStateDesc2":"After forking, new environment will be pinned and selected automatically. It can be unpinned or deleted using Envionment Explorer",
"udapp.deleteVmStateTitle":"Delete VM state",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc1":"Deleting the state of this VM will delete the associated transaction details in this Workspace.",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc2":"It will also delete the data of contracts deployed and pinned in this Workspace.",
"udapp.deleteVmStateDesc3":"Do you want to continue?",
"udapp.resetVmStateTitle":"Reset VM state",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc1":"Resetting the state of this VM will delete the associated transaction details in this Workspace.",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc2":"It will also delete the data of contracts deployed and pinned in this Workspace.",
"udapp.resetVmStateDesc3":"Do you want to continue?",
"udapp.injectedTitle":"Unfortunately it's not possible to create an account using injected provider. Please create the account directly from your provider (i.e metamask or other of the same type).",
constprompt="```\n"+content+"\n```\n\nReply in a short manner: Does this code contain major security vulnerabilities leading to a scam or loss of funds?"
beforeChange?:(nextSlide: number,state: StateCallBack)=>void;// Change callback before sliding every time. `(previousSlide, currentState) => ...`
sliderClass?: string;// Use this to style your own track list.
itemClass?: string;// Use this to style your own Carousel item. For example add padding-left and padding-right
itemAriaLabel?: string;// Use this to add your own Carousel item aria-label.if it is not defined the child aria label will be applied if the child dont have one than a default empty string will be applied
itemAriaLabel?: string;// Use this to add your own Carousel item aria-label.if it is not defined the child aria label will be applied if the child doesn't have one, then a default empty string will be applied
containerClass?: string;// Use this to style the whole container. For example add padding to allow the "dots" or "arrows" to go to other places without being overflown.
className?: string;// Use this to style the whole container with styled-components
dotListClass?: string;// Use this to style the dot list.
@ -83,15 +87,15 @@ export function EnvironmentUI(props: EnvironmentProps) {
}elseprops.runTabPlugin.call('notification','toast',`State not available to fork, as no transactions have been made for selected environment & selected workspace.`)
props.runTabPlugin.call('notification','toast',`VM state deleted successfully.`)
_paq.push(['trackEvent','udapp','deleteState',`VM state deleted`])
props.runTabPlugin.call('notification','toast',`VM state reset successfully.`)
_paq.push(['trackEvent','udapp','deleteState',`VM state reset`])
}elseprops.runTabPlugin.call('notification','toast',`State not available to delete, as no transactions have been made for selected environment & selected workspace.`)
}elseprops.runTabPlugin.call('notification','toast',`State not available to reset, as no transactions have been made for selected environment & selected workspace.`)