@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ var compiler = require('solc')
var compilerInput = require ( '../src/helpers/compilerHelper' ) . compilerInput
var executionContext = require ( '../src/execution/execution-context' )
/* tape *********************************************************** */
var context
tape ( 'ContractParameters - (TxFormat.buildData) - format input parameters' , function ( t ) {
var output = compiler . compileStandardWrapper ( compilerInput ( uintContract ) )
@ -29,11 +31,12 @@ function testWithInput (st, params, expected) {
} , ( ) => { } , ( ) => { } )
/* tape *********************************************************** */
tape ( 'ContractParameters - (TxFormat.buildData) - link Libraries' , function ( t ) {
executionContext . setContext ( 'vm' )
var output = compiler . compileStandardWrapper ( compilerInput ( deploySimpleLib ) )
output = JSON . parse ( output )
var contract = output . contracts [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'testContractLinkLibrary' ]
var compileData = compiler . compileStandardWrapper ( compilerInput ( deploySimpleLib ) )
var fakeDeployedContracts = {
lib1 : '0xf7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619e11' ,
lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 _lib2 : '0xf7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619e33' ,
@ -46,11 +49,22 @@ tape('ContractParameters - (TxFormat.buildData) - link Libraries', function (t)
} )
} // fake
context = { output , contract }
t . test ( '(TxFormat.buildData and link library (standard way))' , function ( st ) {
st . plan ( 6 )
var output = JSON . parse ( compileData )
var contract = output . contracts [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'testContractLinkLibrary' ]
context = { output , contract }
testLinkLibrary ( st , fakeDeployedContracts , callbackDeployLibraries )
} )
t . test ( '(TxFormat.encodeConstructorCallAndLinkLibraries and link library (standard way))' , function ( st ) {
st . plan ( 12 )
var output = JSON . parse ( compileData )
var contract = output . contracts [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'testContractLinkLibrary' ]
context = { output , contract }
testLinkLibrary2 ( st , callbackDeployLibraries )
} )
} )
function testLinkLibrary ( st , fakeDeployedContracts , callbackDeployLibraries ) {
@ -73,6 +87,68 @@ function testLinkLibrary (st, fakeDeployedContracts, callbackDeployLibraries) {
} , callbackDeployLibraries )
function testLinkLibrary2 ( st , callbackDeployLibraries ) {
var librariesReference = {
'test.sol' : {
'lib1' : '0xf7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619e11' ,
'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' : '0xf7a10e525d4b168f45f74db1b61f63d3e7619e33'
var data = '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'
var deployMsg = [ 'creation of library test.sol:lib1 pending...' ,
'creation of library test.sol:lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2 pending...' ]
txFormat . encodeConstructorCallAndLinkLibraries ( context . contract , '' , context . contract . abi [ 0 ] , librariesReference , context . contract . evm . bytecode . linkReferences , ( error , result ) => {
console . log ( error , result )
st . equal ( data , result . dataHex )
var linkedbyteCode = result . dataHex
var libReference = context . contract . evm . bytecode . linkReferences [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ]
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 0 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 1 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
libReference = context . contract . evm . bytecode . linkReferences [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ]
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 0 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 1 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
} )
txFormat . encodeConstructorCallAndDeployLibraries ( 'testContractLinkLibrary' , context . contract , context . output . contracts , '' , context . contract . abi [ 0 ] , ( error , result ) => {
console . log ( error , result )
st . equal ( data , result . dataHex )
var linkedbyteCode = result . dataHex
var libReference = context . contract . evm . bytecode . linkReferences [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ]
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 0 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 1 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib1' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
libReference = context . contract . evm . bytecode . linkReferences [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ]
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 0 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
st . equal ( linkedbyteCode . substr ( 2 * libReference [ 1 ] . start , 40 ) , librariesReference [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2_lib2' ] . replace ( '0x' , '' ) )
} , ( msg ) => {
st . equal ( msg , deployMsg [ 0 ] )
deployMsg . shift ( )
} , callbackDeployLibraries )
/* tape *********************************************************** */
tape ( 'EncodeParameter' , function ( t ) {
t . test ( '(TxFormat.encodeFunctionCall)' , function ( st ) {
st . plan ( 1 )
encodeFunctionCallTest ( st )
} )
} )
function encodeFunctionCallTest ( st ) {
var output = compiler . compileStandardWrapper ( compilerInput ( encodeFunctionCall ) )
output = JSON . parse ( output )
var contract = output . contracts [ 'test.sol' ] [ 'testContractLinkLibrary' ]
txFormat . encodeFunctionCall ( '123, "test string"' , contract . abi [ 0 ] , ( error , encoded ) => {
st . equal ( encoded . dataHex , '0x805da4ad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b7465737420737472696e67000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' )
} )
/* *********************************************************** */
var uintContract = ` contract uintContractTest {
uint _tp ;
address _ap ;
@ -103,3 +179,10 @@ contract testContractLinkLibrary {
} `
var encodeFunctionCall = ` pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
contract testContractLinkLibrary {
function get ( uint _p , string _o ) {
} `