suggested changes

aniket-engg 5 years ago
parent 343cb0442c
commit ae1e7825b7
  1. 21
  2. 55

@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ Remix facilitates users with various types of customizations to test a contract
**1. Custom Compiler Context**
`Solidity Unit Testing` refers `Solidity Compiler` plugin for compiler configurations. One can provide customized inputs for `Compiler`, `EVM Version` & `Enable Optimization`.
`Solidity Unit Testing` refers `Solidity Compiler` plugin for compiler configurations. One can provide customized inputs for `Compiler`, `EVM Version` & `Enable Optimization` and these will be the configuration settings used for contract compilation before running unit tests.
**2. Custom Transaction Context**
For a contract method interaction, prime parameters of transaction are `from` address, `value` & `gas`. Usually, we need to test method's behaviour under different values of these parameters.
For a contract method interaction, prime parameters of transaction are `from` address, `value` & `gas`. Usually, we need to test a method's behaviour under different values of these parameters.
Remix provides the functionality of custom `msg.sender` & `msg.value` of transaction using method devdoc like:
@ -63,20 +63,27 @@ function checkSenderIs0AndValueis10 () public payable{
Assert.equal(msg.value, 10, "wrong value in checkSenderIs0AndValueis10");
Things to keep in mind while using custom transaction context:
**Note:** To use custom `msg.sender` functionality, `remix_accounts.sol` should be imported in your test file.
1. Parameters must be defined in devdoc of related method
2. Each parameter key should be prefixed with a hash (**#**) and end with a colon following a space (**: **) like `#sender: ` & `#value: `
3. For now, customization is available for parameters `sender` & `value` only
4. Sender is `from` address of a transaction which is accessed using `msg.sender` inside a contract method. It should be defined in a fixed format as '**account-**<account_index>'
5. `<account_index>` varies from `0-2` before remix-ide release v0.10.0 and `0-9` afterwards
6. `remix_accounts.sol` must be imported in your test file to use custom `sender`
7. Value is `value` sent along with a transaction in `wei` which is accessed using `msg.value` inside a contract method. It should be a number.
Complete example can be seen in [examples](./unittesting_examples) section.
Regarding `gas`, Remix estimates the required gas for each transaction internally. Still if a contract deployment fails with `Out-of-Gas` error, it tries to redeploy it by doubling the gas. Deployment failing with double gas will show error: ```contract deployment failed after trying twice: The contract code couldn't be stored, please check your gas limit```
Regarding `gas`, Remix estimate the required gas for each transaction internally. Still if a contract deployment fails with `Out-of-Gas` error, it tries to redeploy it by doubling the gas. Deployment failing with double gas will show error: `contract deployment failed after trying twice: The contract code couldn\'t be stored, please check your gas limit`
Various test examples can be seen in [examples](./unittesting_examples) section.
Points to remember
* A test contract cannot have a method with parameters. Having one such method will show error: `Method 'methodname' can not have parameters inside a test contract`
* No. of test accounts are `3` before remix-ide release v0.10.0 and `10` afterwards
* A test file which imports `remix_accounts.sol` might not compile successfully with `Solidity Compiler` plugin but it will work fine with Solidity Unit Testing plugin
* Number of test accounts are `3` before remix-ide release v0.10.0 and `10` afterwards
* A test file which imports `remix_accounts.sol` might not compile successfully with `Solidity Compiler` plugin but it will work fine with Solidity Unit Testing plugin.

@ -88,53 +88,59 @@ Test contract/program: `Sender_test.sol`
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // this import is automatically injected by Remix
import "remix_accounts.sol";
import "./Sender.sol";
import "./sender.sol";
// Inherit 'Sender' contract
contract SenderTest is Sender {
address account0;
address account1;
address account2;
/// Define variables referring to different accounts
address acc0;
address acc1;
address acc2;
/// Initiate accounts variable
function beforeAll() public {
account0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0);
account1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(1);
account2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(2);
acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0);
acc1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(1);
acc2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(2);
/// Test if initial owner is set correctly
function testInitialOwner() public {
// account-0 is default account, so current owner should be account0
Assert.equal(getOwner(), account0, 'owner should be account-0');
// account at zero index (account-0) is default account, so current owner should be acc0
Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc0, 'owner should be acc0');
/// Update owner. This method will be called by account0 as there is not custom sender appointed
/// Update owner first time
/// This method will be called by default account(account-0) as there is no custom sender defined
function updateOwnerOnce() public {
// check method call is as expected
Assert.ok(msg.sender == account0, 'caller should default account i.e. account0');
// update owner address to account1
// check method caller is as expected
Assert.ok(msg.sender == acc0, 'caller should be default account i.e. acc0');
// update owner address to acc1
// check if owner is set to expected account
Assert.equal(getOwner(), account1, 'owner should be updated to account1');
Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc1, 'owner should be updated to acc1');
/// Update owner again by defining custom sender
/// #sender: account-1
/// #sender: account-1 (sender is account at index '1')
function updateOwnerOnceAgain() public {
// check if caller is custom and is as expected
Assert.ok(msg.sender == account1, 'caller should be custom account i.e. account1');
// update owner address to account2. This will be successful because account1 is current owner & caller both
Assert.ok(msg.sender == acc1, 'caller should be custom account i.e. acc1');
// update owner address to acc2. This will be successful because acc1 is current owner & caller both
// check if owner is set to expected account i.e. account2
Assert.equal(getOwner(), account2, 'owner should be updated to account2');
Assert.equal(getOwner(), acc2, 'owner should be updated to acc2');
### 3. Testing method execution
With Solidity, one can verify the changes made by a method in storage by accessing those variables out of a contract. But while testing whether method execution was successful and if execution failed, what was the reason behind it, can also be an importnat case.
Solidity introduced `try-catch` statement in version 0.6.0 which helps a lot to solve this purpose. Previously, this could be achieved using low-level call to some extent. Here is the example to test such a scenario:
With Solidity, one can directly verify the changes made by a method in storage by retrieving those variables from a contract. But testing for a successful method execution takes some strategy. Well that is not entirely true, when a test is successful - it is usually obvious why it passed. However, when a test fails, it is essential to understand why it failed.
To help in such cases, Solidity introduced the `try-catch` statement in version `0.6.0`. Previously, we had to use low-level calls to track down what was going on.
Here is an example test file that use both **try-catch** blocks and **low level calls**:
Contract/Program to be tested: `AttendanceRegister.sol`
@ -145,8 +151,11 @@ struct Student{
string name;
uint class;
event Added(string name, uint class, uint time);
mapping(uint => Student) public register; // roll number => student details
function add(uint rollNumber, string memory name, uint class) public returns (uint256){
require(class > 0 && class <= 12, "Invalid class");
require(register[rollNumber].class == 0, "Roll number not available");
@ -168,6 +177,7 @@ Test contract/program: `AttendanceRegister_test.sol`
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol"; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "./AttendanceRegister.sol";
contract AttendanceRegisterTest {
AttendanceRegister ar;
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@ Test contract/program: `Value_test.sol`
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
import "remix_tests.sol";
import "./Value.sol";
contract ValueTest{
Value v;
