@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ export function ContractDropdownUI (props: ContractDropdownProps) {
disabled: false,
disabled: false,
title:'Interact with the given contract - needs the .abi file or compiled .sol file (with the same compiler settings)'
title:'Interact with the deployed contract - requires the .abi file or compiled .sol file to be selected in the editor (with the same compiler configuration)'
disabled: true,
disabled: true,
title: loadedAddress?'⚠ Compile a *.sol file or select a *.abi file.':'⚠ For use with a deployed contract and its .abi file or compiled .sol file (with the same compiler settings)'
title: loadedAddress?'Compile a *.sol file or select a *.abi file.':'To interact with a deployed contract, enter its address and compile its source *.sol file (with the same compiler settings) or select its .abi file in the editor. '
@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ export function ContractDropdownUI (props: ContractDropdownProps) {
disabled: false,
disabled: false,
title:'Select compiled a contract to deploy or to use with At Address.'
title:'Select a compiled contract to deploy or to use with At Address.'
disabled: true,
disabled: true,
title: loadType==='sol'?'⚠ Select and compile *.sol file to deploy or access a contract.':'⚠ When there is a compiled .sol file, the choice of contracts to deploy or to use with AtAddress is made here'
title: loadType==='sol'?'Select and compile *.sol file to deploy or access a contract.':'When there is a compiled .sol file, the choice of contracts to deploy or to use with AtAddress is made here.'
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export function EnvironmentUI (props: EnvironmentProps) {
<ahref="https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/run.html#run-setup"target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"><iclassName="udapp_infoDeployAction ml-2 fas fa-info"title="Click for docs about Environment"></i></a>
<ahref="https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/run.html#environment"target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"><iclassName="udapp_infoDeployAction ml-2 fas fa-info"title="Click for docs about Environment"></i></a>
<inputtype="number"className="form-control udapp_gasNval udapp_col2"title="The default gas limit is 3M. This does not work for all transactions."id="gasLimit"value={props.gasLimit}onChange={handleGasLimit}/>
<inputtype="number"className="form-control udapp_gasNval udapp_col2"title="The default gas limit is 3M. Adjust as needed."id="gasLimit"value={props.gasLimit}onChange={handleGasLimit}/>