update with commented out code, errors for discussion and a question

Rob Stupay 6 years ago
parent 944a1a08db
commit ba65b9544d
  1. 16
  2. 22
  3. 82
  4. 4
  5. 9
  6. 7
  7. 11
  8. 38
  9. 2
  10. 1
  11. 1

@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ const PluginManagerComponent = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-componen
const PluginManagerApi = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-api') const PluginManagerApi = require('./app/components/plugin-manager-api')
const VerticalIconsComponent = require('./app/components/vertical-icons-component') const VerticalIconsComponent = require('./app/components/vertical-icons-component')
const VerticalIconsApi = require('./app/components/vertical-icons-api') // const VerticalIconsApi = require('./app/components/vertical-icons-api')
const SwapPanelComponent = require('./app/components/swap-panel-component') const SwapPanelComponent = require('./app/components/swap-panel-component')
const SwapPanelApi = require('./app/components/swap-panel-api') // const SwapPanelApi = require('./app/components/swap-panel-api')
const AppManager = require('remix-plugin').AppManager // const AppManager = require('remix-plugin').AppManager
var styleGuide = require('./app/ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser') var styleGuide = require('./app/ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
var styles = styleGuide.chooser() var styles = styleGuide.chooser()
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class App {
} }
} }
_adjustLayout (direction, delta) { _adjustLayout (direction, delta) {
/*var self = this /* var self = this
var layout = self.data._layout[direction] var layout = self.data._layout[direction]
if (layout) { if (layout) {
if (delta === undefined) { if (delta === undefined) {
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ Please make a backup of your contracts and start using http://remix.ethereum.org
*/ */
const txListenerModuleProxy = { const txListenerModuleProxy = {
event: new EventEmitter(), event: new EventEmitter(),
profile() { profile () {
return { return {
type: 'txListener', type: 'txListener',
events: ['newTransaction'] events: ['newTransaction']
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ Please make a backup of your contracts and start using http://remix.ethereum.org
- the current API is not optimal. For instance methods of `app` only refers to `executionContext`, wich does not make really sense. - the current API is not optimal. For instance methods of `app` only refers to `executionContext`, wich does not make really sense.
*/ */
const appManager = new AppManager({modules: [],plugins : []}) // const appManager = new AppManager({modules: [], plugins: []})
const swapPanelComponent = new SwapPanelComponent() const swapPanelComponent = new SwapPanelComponent()
const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent( const pluginManagerComponent = new PluginManagerComponent(
@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ Please make a backup of your contracts and start using http://remix.ethereum.org
const verticalIconComponent = new VerticalIconsComponent() const verticalIconComponent = new VerticalIconsComponent()
const swapPanelApi = new SwapPanelApi(swapPanelComponent, verticalIconComponent, pluginManagerComponent) // const swapPanelApi = new SwapPanelApi(swapPanelComponent, verticalIconComponent, pluginManagerComponent)
const verticalIconsApi = new VerticalIconsApi(verticalIconComponent, pluginManagerComponent) // const verticalIconsApi = new VerticalIconsApi(verticalIconComponent, pluginManagerComponent)
const pluginManagerAPI = new PluginManagerApi(pluginManagerComponent) const pluginManagerAPI = new PluginManagerApi(pluginManagerComponent)
self._view.mainpanel.appendChild(self._components.editorpanel.render()) self._view.mainpanel.appendChild(self._components.editorpanel.render())

@ -1,31 +1,19 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo') // const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser()
class PluginManagerApi { class PluginManagerApi {
constructor (pluginManagerComponent) { constructor (pluginManagerComponent) {
this.component = pluginManagerComponent
pluginManagerComponent.event.on('activation', (item) => this.event.emit('activation', item)) // listen by appManager pluginManagerComponent.event.on('activation', (item) => this.event.emit('activation', item)) // listen by appManager
pluginManagerComponent.event.on('deactivation', (item) => this.event.emit('deactivation', item)) // listen by appManager pluginManagerComponent.event.on('deactivation', (item) => this.event.emit('deactivation', item)) // listen by appManager
} }
function called by appManager
addItem (item) {
// add to appManager and then render
init (data) { init (data) {
for (var m in data.modules) { for (var m in data.modules) {
this.renderItem(item) this.renderItem(m)
} }
for (var m in data.plugins) { for (var n in data.plugins) {
this.renderItem(item) this.renderItem(n)
} }
} }
} }

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ const RunTab = require('../tabs/run-tab')
var registry = require('../../global/registry') var registry = require('../../global/registry')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser') // const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser() // const styles = styleguide.chooser()
const PluginManagerProxy = require('./plugin-manager-proxy') const PluginManagerProxy = require('./plugin-manager-proxy')
const EventEmitter = require ('events') const EventEmitter = require('events')
class PluginManagerComponent { class PluginManagerComponent {
@ -44,9 +44,13 @@ class PluginManagerComponent {
'Settings': { name: 'Settings', Type: SettingsTab, icon: '' } 'Settings': { name: 'Settings', Type: SettingsTab, icon: '' }
} }
this.activated = {} // list all activated modules this.activated = {} // list all activated modules
// this.activated = [] // list all activated modules
this.plugins = [] this.plugins = []
this.data = {} this.data = {}
this.data.proxy = new PluginManagerProxy() this.data.proxy = new PluginManagerProxy()
// This load the state from localstorage first then from the second parameter is nothing is found in localstorage
// this.store = Store.fromLocal('***', {}) // Or EntityStore.fromLocal('***', {}, 'id')
} }
proxy () { proxy () {
@ -70,21 +74,52 @@ class PluginManagerComponent {
} }
render () { render () {
var self = this // var self = this
// loop over all this.modules and this.plugins // loop over all this.modules and this.plugins
return yo` let pluginManagerDiv = yo`
<div id='pluginManager' class=${css.plugins} > <div id='pluginManager' class=${css.plugins} >
list all modules / plugins that can be activated <h2>Plugin Manager</h2>
for (var mod in this.modulesDefinition) {
if (this.modulesDefinition[mod].icon) pluginManagerDiv.appendChild(this.renderItem(mod))
return pluginManagerDiv
renderItem (item) {
let ctrBtns
if (this.activated.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
ctrBtns = yo`
<button onclick=${() => { this.deactivateInternal(this.modulesDefinition[item].name) }} >deactivate</button>
} else {
ctrBtns = yo`
<button onclick=${() => { this.activateInternal() }} >activate</button>
// var self = this
return yo`
<div id='pluginManager' class=${css.plugin} >
</div> </div>
` `
} }
activatePlugin (jsonProfile, api) { activatePlugin (jsonProfile, api) {
let profile = { json: jsonProfile, api } // let profile = { json: jsonProfile, api }
let plugin = new Plugin(profile, api) // let plugin = new Plugin(profile, api)
this.appManager.addPlugin(plugin) // this.appManager.addPlugin(plugin)
this.event.emit('displayableModuleActivated', jsonProfile, plugin.render()) // this.event.emit('displayableModuleActivated', jsonProfile, plugin.render())
this.activated[jsonProfile.name] = plugin // this.activated[jsonProfile.name] = plugin
deactivateInternal (name) {
delete this.activated[name]
this.event.emit('removingItem', name)
} }
activateInternal (name) { activateInternal (name) {
@ -116,19 +151,6 @@ class PluginManagerComponent {
_deactivate (item) { _deactivate (item) {
this.event.emit('deactivation', item) this.event.emit('deactivation', item)
} }
renderItem (item) {
var self = this
var view = yo`
<div id='pluginManager' class=${css.plugin} >
<button onclick=${() => { self._activate(item) }} ></button>
<button onclick=${() => { self._deactivate(item) }} ></button>
} }
module.exports = PluginManagerComponent module.exports = PluginManagerComponent
@ -137,11 +159,15 @@ const css = csjs`
.plugins { .plugins {
width : 300px; width : 300px;
} }
.plugItIn { .plugin {
display : none; border-bottom: 1px black solid;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
} }
.plugItIn.active { .plugItIn.active {
display :block; display: block;
.plugin button {
cursor: pointer;
} }
.clearFunds { background-color: lightblue; }
` `

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var registry = require('../../global/registry') var registry = require('../../global/registry')
const CompilerAbstract = require('../compiler/compiler-abstract') const CompilerAbstract = require('../compiler/compiler-abstract')
@ -9,7 +7,7 @@ const EventManager = require('remix-lib').EventManager
class PluginManagerProxy { class PluginManagerProxy {
constructor () { constructor () {
this.event = new EventManager this.event = new EventManager()
} }
register (mod, instance) { register (mod, instance) {

@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo') // const EventEmmitter = require('events')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser()
const EventEmmitter = require('events')
class SwapPanelApi { class SwapPanelApi {
constructor (swapPanelComponent, verticalIconsComponent, pluginManagerComponent) { constructor (swapPanelComponent, verticalIconsComponent, pluginManagerComponent) {

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo') var yo = require('yo-yo')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject') var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
const remixLib = require('remix-lib') // const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser') // const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser() // const styles = styleguide.chooser()
class SwapPanelComponent { class SwapPanelComponent {
constructor () { constructor () {
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class SwapPanelComponent {
console.log(`${moduleName} not found`) console.log(`${moduleName} not found`)
} }
add (moduleName, content) { add (moduleName, content) {
this.contents[moduleName] = yo`<div class=${css.plugItIn} >${content}</div>` this.contents[moduleName] = yo`<div class=${css.plugItIn} >${content}</div>`
this.view.appendChild(this.contents[moduleName]) this.view.appendChild(this.contents[moduleName])

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser()
// API // API
class VerticalIconsApi { class VerticalIconsApi {
constructor(verticalIconsComponent, pluginManagerComponent) { constructor (verticalIconsComponent, pluginManagerComponent) {
this.component = verticalIconsComponent this.component = verticalIconsComponent
pluginManagerComponent.event.on('requestContainer', (mod, content) => verticalIconsComponent.addIcon(mod) ) pluginManagerComponent.event.on('requestContainer', (mod, content) => verticalIconsComponent.addIcon(mod))
} }
} }
module.exports = VerticalIconsApi module.exports = VerticalIconsApi

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
var yo = require('yo-yo') var yo = require('yo-yo')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject') var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
const remixLib = require('remix-lib') // const remixLib = require('remix-lib')
const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser') // const styleguide = require('../ui/styles-guide/theme-chooser')
const styles = styleguide.chooser() // const styles = styleguide.chooser()
const EventEmmitter = require('events') const EventEmmitter = require('events')
// Component // Component
class VerticalIconComponent { class VerticalIconComponent {
constructor() { constructor () {
this.event = new EventEmmitter this.event = new EventEmmitter()
} }
addIcon (mod) { addIcon (mod) {
let self = this let self = this
this.view.appendChild(yo`<div onclick=${(e) => { self._iconClick(mod.name)}} title=${mod.name}><img src="${mod.icon}" alt="${mod.name}" /></div>`) this.view.appendChild(yo`<div class="${css.icon}" onclick=${(e) => { self._iconClick(mod.name) }} title=${mod.name}><img src="${mod.icon}" alt="${mod.name}" /></div>`)
} }
removeIcon (item) { removeIcon (item) {
@ -32,13 +32,27 @@ const EventEmmitter = require('events')
this.event.emit('showContent', name) this.event.emit('showContent', name)
} }
render() { render () {
this.view = yo` this.view = yo`
<div id='icons'> <div class=${css.icons}>
</div> </div>
` `
return this.view return this.view
} }
} }
module.exports = VerticalIconComponent
module.exports = VerticalIconComponent const css = csjs`
.icons {
margin-left: 10px;
margin-top: 15px;
.icon {
cursor: pointer;
margin-bottom: 25px;
.icon img {
width: 25px;

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
var $ = require('jquery') var $ = require('jquery')
var yo = require('yo-yo') var yo = require('yo-yo')
var EventEmitter = require ('events') var EventEmitter = require('events')
var EventManager = require('../../lib/events') var EventManager = require('../../lib/events')
var globalRegistry = require('../../global/registry') var globalRegistry = require('../../global/registry')
var CompilerImport = require('../compiler/compiler-imports') var CompilerImport = require('../compiler/compiler-imports')

@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ module.exports = class LeftIconPanel {
] ]
} }
swapPlugin (name) { swapPlugin (name) {
console.log(name) console.log(name)
} }

@ -321,7 +321,6 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.runTestTx = function (tx, cb) {
}) })
} }
/** /**
* This function send a tx without alerting the user (if mainnet or if gas estimation too high). * This function send a tx without alerting the user (if mainnet or if gas estimation too high).
