getDebugWeb3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js, if applicable (mainet, goerli, ...) it returns a reference to a node from devops (so we are sure debug endpoint is available)
getDebugWeb3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js, if applicable (mainet, goerli, ...) it returns a reference to a node from devops (so we are sure debug endpoint is available)
web3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js
web3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js
onStartDebugging:()=>void// called when debug starts
onStopDebugging:()=>void// called when debug stops
<divclassName="mb-2 debuggerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox"title="Using Generated Sources lets you step into compiler outputs while debugging.">
getDebugWeb3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js, if applicable (mainet, goerli, ...) it returns a reference to a node from devops (so we are sure debug endpoint is available)
getDebugWeb3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js, if applicable (mainet, goerli, ...) it returns a reference to a node from devops (so we are sure debug endpoint is available)
web3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js
web3:()=>any// returns an instance of web3.js
showMessage(title: string,message: string):void
showMessage(title: string,message: string):void
onStartDebugging():void// called when debug starts