@ -727,8 +727,26 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = 'pt-0 remixui_compilerSection' >
< div className = "mb-1" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "versionSelector" > Compiler < / label >
< span className = "far fa-plus border-0 p-0 ml-3" onClick = { ( ) = > promptCompiler ( ) } title = "Add a custom compiler with URL" > < / span >
< span className = "fa fa-file-text-o border-0 p-0 ml-2" onClick = { ( ) = > showCompilerLicense ( ) } title = "See compiler license" > < / span >
< OverlayTrigger
placement = "top"
overlay = {
< Tooltip id = "promptCompilerTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< span > { "Add a custom compiler with URL" } < / span >
< / Tooltip >
< span className = "far fa-plus border-0 p-0 ml-3" onClick = { ( ) = > promptCompiler ( ) } > < / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< OverlayTrigger
placement = "top"
overlay = {
< Tooltip id = "showCompilerTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< span > { "See compiler license" } < / span >
< / Tooltip >
< span className = "fa fa-file-text-o border-0 p-0 ml-2" onClick = { ( ) = > showCompilerLicense ( ) } > < / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< select value = { state . selectedVersion || state . defaultVersion } onChange = { ( e ) = > handleLoadVersion ( e . target . value ) } className = "custom-select" id = "versionSelector" disabled = { state . allversions . length <= 0 } >
{ state . allversions . length <= 0 && < option disabled data - id = { state . selectedVersion === state . defaultVersion ? 'selected' : '' } > { state . defaultVersion } < / option > }
{ state . allversions . length <= 0 && < option disabled data - id = { state . selectedVersion === 'builtin' ? 'selected' : '' } > builtin < / option > }
@ -804,10 +822,19 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = { ` flex-column 'd-flex'} ` } >
< div className = "mb-2 ml-4" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "compilierLanguageSelector" > Language < / label >
< select onChange = { ( e ) = > handleLanguageChange ( e . target . value ) } disabled = { state . useFileConfiguration } value = { state . language } className = "custom-select" id = "compilierLanguageSelector" title = "Language specification available from Compiler >= v0.5.7" >
< OverlayTrigger
placement = "right-start"
overlay = {
< Tooltip id = "compilerLabelTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< span > { 'Language specification available from Compiler >= v0.5.7' } < / span >
< / Tooltip >
< select onChange = { ( e ) = > handleLanguageChange ( e . target . value ) } disabled = { state . useFileConfiguration } value = { state . language } className = "custom-select" id = "compilierLanguageSelector" >
< option data - id = { state . language === 'Solidity' ? 'selected' : '' } value = 'Solidity' > Solidity < / option >
< option data - id = { state . language === 'Yul' ? 'selected' : '' } value = 'Yul' > Yul < / option >
< / select >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< / div >
< div className = "mb-2 ml-4" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "evmVersionSelector" > EVM Version < / label >
@ -838,11 +865,21 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "scFileConfig" data - id = "scFileConfiguration" > Use configuration file < / label >
< / div >
< div className = { ` pt-2 ml-4 ml-2 align-items-start justify-content-between d-flex ` } >
{ ( ! showFilePathInput && state . useFileConfiguration ) && < span
title = "Click to open the config file"
{ ( ! showFilePathInput && state . useFileConfiguration ) && < OverlayTrigger
placement = "bottom"
overlay = {
< Tooltip id = "configfileTooltip" className = "text-nowrap" >
< span >
Click to open the config file
< / span >
< / Tooltip >
< span
onClick = { configFilePath === '' ? ( ) = > { } : async ( ) = > { await openFile ( ) } }
className = "py-2 remixui_compilerConfigPath"
> { configFilePath === '' ? 'No file selected.' : configFilePath } < / span > }
> { configFilePath === '' ? 'No file selected.' : configFilePath } < / span >
< / OverlayTrigger > }
{ ( ! showFilePathInput && ! state . useFileConfiguration ) && < span className = "py-2 text-secondary" > { configFilePath } < / span > }
< input
ref = { configFilePathInput }