implemented minimize terminal window and added custom hook

tizah 4 years ago committed by
parent b1314aa905
commit fed807335e
  1. 121

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer, useRef, SyntheticEvent, MouseEvent } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import { useKeyPress } from './custom-hooks/useKeyPress' // eslint-disable-line
import { useWindowResize } from 'beautiful-react-hooks'
@ -10,9 +9,6 @@ import {allCommands, allPrograms} from './commands' // eslint-disable-line
import { CopyToClipboard } from '@remix-ui/clipboard' // eslint-disable-line
import { ModalDialog } from '@remix-ui/modal-dialog' // eslint-disable-line
import TerminalWelcomeMessage from './terminalWelcome' // eslint-disable-line
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, SyntheticEvent } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
import './remix-ui-terminal.css'
// const TxLogger from '../../../apps/'
@ -35,7 +31,6 @@ export interface RemixUiTerminalProps {
options: any
data: any
cmdInterpreter: any
<<<<<<< HEAD
command: any
version: any
config: any
@ -51,13 +46,6 @@ export interface RemixUiTerminalProps {
txListener: any,
eventsDecoder: any,
logHtml: any
registerCommand: any
export interface ClipboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, any> {
clipboardData: DataTransfer;
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
export interface ClipboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, any> {
@ -66,7 +54,6 @@ export interface ClipboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, any> {
export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
const [toggleDownUp, setToggleDownUp] = useState('fa-angle-double-down')
<<<<<<< HEAD
const [_cmdIndex, setCmdIndex] = useState(-1)
const [_cmdTemp, setCmdTemp] = useState('')
const [_cmdHistory, setCmdHistory] = useState([])
@ -106,31 +93,10 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
useWindowResize(() => {
const [inserted, setInserted] = useState(false)
const [state, setState] = useState({
data: {
// lineLength: props.options.lineLength || 80,
session: [],
activeFilters: { commands: {}, input: '' },
filterFns: {}
_commands: {},
commands: {},
_jobs: [],
_INDEX: {},
_INDEXall: [],
_INDEXallMain: [],
_INDEXcommands: {},
_INDEXcommandsMain: {}
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
// terminal inputRef
const inputEl = useRef(null)
<<<<<<< HEAD
const messagesEndRef = useRef(null)
const scrollToBottom = () => {
@ -249,8 +215,6 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
// events
useEffect(() => {
// window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
@ -299,7 +263,6 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
console.log(props.event, 'event.trigger')
<<<<<<< HEAD
const focusinput = () => {
@ -393,60 +356,11 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
} else {
// const reattached = (event) => {
// let el = event.currentTarget
// var isBottomed = el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop - el.clientHeight < 30
// if (isBottomed) {
// } else {
// // if (!inserted)
// }
// }
const registerCommand = (name, command, opts) => {
const { _commands, _INDEXcommands, _INDEXallMain, _INDEXcommandsMain, _INDEXall, commands } = state
// TODO if no _commands[name] throw an error
// TODO if typeof command !== 'function' throw error
_commands[name] = command
_INDEXcommands[name] = []
_INDEXallMain[name] = []
// TODO _command function goes here
commands[name] = function _command () {
const steps = []
const args = [...arguments]
const gidx = 0
const idx = 0
const step = 0
const root = { steps, cmd: name, gidx, idx }
const ITEM = { root, cmd: name, el: {} }
root.gidx = _INDEXallMain.push(ITEM) - 1
root.idx = _INDEXcommandsMain[name].push(ITEM) - 1
function append (cmd, params, el) {
let item = { el, cmd, root, gidx, idx, step, args: [...arguments] }
if (cmd) {
item = { el, cmd, root, gidx, idx, step, args }
} else {
// item = ITEM
item.el = el
cmd = name
item.gidx = _INDEXall.push(item) - 1
item.idx = _INDEXcommands[cmd].push(item) - 1
item.step = steps.push(item) - 1
item.args = params
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
return commands[name]
<<<<<<< HEAD
/* start of mouse events */
const mousedown = (event: MouseEvent) => {
@ -944,27 +858,6 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
setAutoCompleteState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, activeSuggestion: 0, showSuggestions: false}))
const _appendItem = (item: any) => {
let { _JOURNAL, _jobs, data } = state
const self = props
const { el, gidx } = item
_JOURNAL[gidx] = item
if (!_jobs.length) {
// requestAnimationFrame(function updateTerminal () {
// self._jobs.forEach(el => self._view.journal.appendChild(el))
// self.scroll2bottom()
_jobs = []
if (data.activeFilters.commands[item.cmd]) _jobs.push(el)
const focusinput = () => {
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
return (
<div style={{ height: '323px', flexGrow: 1 }} className='panel'>
@ -1027,7 +920,6 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
zIndex: -1
<div className="terminal">
<<<<<<< HEAD
<div id='journal' className='journal' data-id='terminalJournal'>
{!clearConsole && <TerminalWelcomeMessage packageJson={props.version}/>}
{newstate.journalBlocks &&, index) => {
@ -1062,19 +954,6 @@ export const RemixUiTerminal = (props: RemixUiTerminalProps) => {
<div id="terminalCli" data-id="terminalCli" className="cli" onClick={focusinput}>
<span className="prompt">{'>'}</span>
<input className="input" ref={inputEl} spellCheck="false" contentEditable="true" id="terminalCliInput" data-id="terminalCliInput" onChange={(event) => onChange(event)} onKeyDown={(event) => handleKeyDown(event) } value={autoCompletState.userInput} onPaste={handlePaste}></input>
<div id="journal" className="journal" data-id="terminalJournal">
<div className="anchor">
{/* ${background} */}
<div className="overlay background"></div>
{/* ${text} */}
<div className="overlay text"></div>
<div id="terminalCli" data-id="terminalCli" className="cli" onClick={focusinput}>
<span className="prompt">{'>'}</span>
<span className="input" ref={inputEl} spellCheck="false" contentEditable="true" id="terminalCliInput" data-id="terminalCliInput" onPaste={handlePaste}></span>
>>>>>>> 69029a97a (remix id terminal update)
