remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Current "Best Practice" Conventions

  • ES6 class rather than ES5 to create class.
  • CSS declaration using csjs-inject.
  • CSS files:

 if the CSS section of an UI component is too important, CSS declarations should be put in a different file and in a different folder.

The folder should be named styles and the file should be named with the extension -styles.css.

 e.g: file-explorer.js being an UI component file-explorer-styles.css is created in the styles folder right under file-explorer.js

if the CSS section of an UI component is rather limited it is preferable to put it in the corresponding JS file.

  • HTML declaration using yo-yo.

  • A module trigger events using event property:  self.event = new EventManager(). Events can then be triggered:  self.event.trigger('eventName', [param1, param2])

  • self._view is the HTML view renderered by yo-yo in the render function.

  • render() this function should be called at the first rendering (make sure that the returned node element is put on the DOM), and should not by called again from outside the component.

  • update() call this function to update the DOM when the state of the component has changed (this function must be called after the initial call to render()).

  • for all functions / properties, prefixing by underscore (_) means the scope is private, and they should not be accessed not changed from outside the component.

  • constructor arguments: There is no fixed rule whether it is preferrable to use multiples arguments or a single option {} argument (or both). We recommend:

    • use a specific slot for obligatory arguments and/or for complex arguments (meaning not boolean, not string, etc...).
    • put arguments in an option {} for non critical and for optionnal arguments.
    • if a component has more than 4/5 parameters, it is recommended to find a way to group some in one or more opt arguments.
  • look them up, discuss them, update them.    

Module Definition (example)

// user-card.js
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
var EventManager = require('remix-lib').EventManager

var css = csjs`
  .userCard        {
    position       : relative;
    box-sizing     : border-box;
    display        : flex;
    flex-direction : column;
    align-items    : center;
    border         : 1px solid black;
    width          : 400px;
    padding        : 50px;  
  .clearFunds { background-color: lightblue; }

class UserCard {
  constructor (opts = {}) {
    var self = this

    self.event = new EventManager()
    self._api = opts.api
    self._view = undefined
    self.state = {
      title: opts.title,
      surname: opts.surname,
      totalSpend: 0,
      _nickname: opts.nickname,
      _funds: self._api.getUserFunds()
    var events =

    events.funds.register('fundsChanged', function (amount) {
      if (amount < self.state._funds) self.state.totalSpend += self.state._funds - amount
      self.state._funds = amount
    self.event.trigger('eventName', [param1, param2])
  render () {
    var self = this
    var el = yo`
      <div class=${css.userCard}>
        <h1> @${self.state._nickname} </h1>
        <h2> Welcome, ${self.state.title || ''} ${ || 'anonymous'} ${self.state.surname} </h2>
        <ul> <li> User Funds: $${self.state._funds} </li> </ul>
        <ul> <li> Spent Funds: $${self.state.totalSpend} </li> </ul>
        <button class=${css.clearFunds} onclick=${e=>, e)}> spend all funds </button>
    if (self._view) yo.update(self._view, el)
    else self._view = el
    return self._view
  update (state = {}) {
    var self = this
    if (!self._view) self._constraint('first initialize view by calling `.render()`')
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('title')) self.state.title = state.title
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('name')) =
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('surname')) self.state.surname = state.surname
  getNickname () {
    var self = this
    return `@${self.state._nickname}`
  getFullName () {
    var self = this
    return `${self.state.title} ${} ${self.state.surname}`
  _spendAll (event) {
    var self = this
  _constraint (msg) { throw new Error(msg) }

module.exports = UserCard

Module Usage (example)

var EventManager = require('remix-lib').EventManager
var funds = { event: new EventManager() }
var userfunds = 15
function getUserFunds () { return userfunds }
function clearUserFunds () {
  var spent = userfunds
  userfunds = 0
  console.log(`all funds of ${usercard.getFullName()} were spent.`)
  funds.event.trigger('fundsChanged', [userfunds])
  return spent
setInterval(function () {
  funds.event.trigger('fundsChanged', [userfunds])
}, 100)

var UserCard = require('./user-card')

var usercard = new UserCard({
  api: { getUserFunds, clearUserFunds },
  events: { funds: funds.event },
  title: 'Dr.',
  name: 'John',
  surname: 'Doe',
  nickname: 'johndoe99'

var el = usercard.render()
setTimeout(function () { usercard.update({ title: 'Prof.' }) }, 5000)